145. Embrace the Dark

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Before leaving for lunch, Ville was a bit strange, I just knew. He acted like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how. I waited, and he finally said when Charlie was distracted by the TV. She was watching some Spanish cartoon, looking puzzled.

"I don't pry on your things, I swear I wasn't looking."

I nodded. "I know, what is it?" I worried Ville had seen my exams.

"Uh... Your cellphone rang and I was near it. Cédric was calling you."

My heart raced, he probably had some news on Dr. Ecclestone. "Céd?"

"Yeah... I didn't want to wake you."

"Did you answered?"

"No, it's your phone and... It's Cédric, I don't think he wants to talk to me." Ville smiled. "Are you talking to him again?"

I hated to lie to Ville. "I don't know what is it. Maybe something happened."

"Maybe with his mother?"

"I hope not, but maybe. Do you mind if I call him?"

"You don't have to ask me, dear."

"I'll be quick." Ville didn't understand Portuguese, so I was safe. He sat by Charlie, while I called Céd.

"Hi, Céd."

"Eve, hello. Sorry it took me a while, but Dr. Ecclestone wasn't here, he was lecturing in some city in the South. I made him check his e-mails."

"Right, did he said anything?" I glanced at Ville, I could feel my heart pulsing on my throat.

"He said he wants to see you in person."

My head spun. "It must be serious, then."

"No, it's not that. He didn't even look at your exams, he said he wouldn't do it until you're in front of him. He said it's not ethical and he needs to see you in person. When do you think you can come?"

"I don't have the slightest idea."

"Eve... Does Ville know?"

I looked at him again, he looked back at me and smiled, before turning his attention to Charlie. "Not yet. And you're not gonna say a thing."

Cédric sighed. "Eve, you have to tell him."

"I'm not gonna say anything before I'm sure. I have to go, he's right here beside me. I'll... Have to think in some excuse. I'll try going soon as possible."

"Right. Well, if you need anything, just call me."

"Yeah, thanks."

When I hang up, Ville got up. "So, shall we have lunch?"

"Yeah, I'm starving." Charlie said, a bit grumpy. I smiled at her, but I knew my face was probably not fooling Ville. He didn't say a thing while we went to the restaurant.

We went to a famous local restaurant. I loved Mexican food, and this little place was amazing. Everything seemed homemade, and for the first time in days, I felt my appetite coming back. Maybe all the colours and flavours got me a bit distracted. "I feel like trying everything, I can't decide." I said and Ville chuckled, I had the impression he seemed relieved. "So do it, ask all."

"That's exaggerated. I'll have these tacos, and after that I'll decide." I asked for something lighter to Charlie, as everything seemed really spicy. The guys were with us, and also Lee. It was good to be back. Ville asked me about Stockholm, and the symposium at Helsinki. Gladly he didn't ask about Cédric, for now. "It was normal, the usual. Sometimes boring, exhausting. But I liked it."

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