38. Sweet Pandemonium

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I saw Natalie staring at us but I didn't care. Apparently she knew a lot of people there. But as long as she didn't bother us, I had no problem with her being there.

We were on the couch, Ville was laid down, his head resting on my legs. He had his eyes closed and I was caressing his hair. "Are you tired?" I asked him.

"A bit. It's weird not to drink in these occasions, but I'm not complaining."

"I can imagine. And I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, love." He straightened up. "It's not that difficult, though. I mean, there's a lot of temptation around, but orange juice is just fine. But the fags, it's more complicated." He lighted up a cigarette. "It helps me to be less anxious."

"I know."

"I need to see the doctor before leaving for the tour. He asked me to. Just routine." I nodded. "Are you excited about it? The tour, not the doctor." He giggled. But behind the vampiric sound, there was a hint of worry and anxiety.

"I really am. I hope we have a time to enjoy a bit. But I'm happy just to join you." I tried to sooth his anxieties.

"Me too. I don't even have to say it." He kissed me and someone jumped in the sofa. Surprisingly, Linde came to join us. He was on his talkative mode already. "So Eve, how was your first HIM concert?"

"It couldn't be better. It was insane, sometimes I couldn't even hear you guys, people were screaming and singing so loudly."

"Helldone is usually crazy like this." Linde explained. "The next concerts will be calmer, maybe. So don't be disappointed."

"Oh, I'm sure I won't be."

I realized Ville was too quiet and he had actually fallen asleep. Me and Linde talked about music in general, from Aleister Crowley and Led Zeppelin to Norwegian black metal and people from weird bands they've met in festivals. He had a lot of funny stories. Suddenly, "Paranoid" started to play and Ville woke up. Linde looked at him like he knew what would happen. Mige appeared from nowhere and jumped at us at the couch. The three men got up and started to dance and sing it out loud. It was the funniest scene ever. Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch them. They all looked like they were teenagers all over again. Then, they turned to me and started to 'serenade' the song to me, in a very perfomatic way. I was laughing so much I had tears in my eyes. In the end, Ville lifted me up from the couch, holding me. I saw so much happiness in him, it would be hard to beat this day like one of the best I've had with him.

Later, I was talking to Leena and she told me she and Mige were definitely only friends. "I think I was excited about meeting a new person and he's so funny and philosophical, about everything."

"You two look alike in this field."

"Yeah, I think so. But I think that's it. And I'm okay with it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. New Year's resolutions." She smiled. She was all mystical about rituals and ceremonies, maybe that's why she sounded so resolute about it. I just hoped for the best. She deserved to be happy with him or not. Ville also told me Mige had ended a relationship not a long time ago and it was a confusing time for him.
Ville met with some friends and they were talking in Finnish. They were too drunk to speak in English, he told me. I let him with them and excused myself to the bathroom.

I was checking myself on the mirror when she entered. Natalie locked the door behind her and I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst case scenario. She had a glass on her hand and was obviously drunk.

She looked at me, from head to toe. "You're really lucky, you know?" She said to me and I was a bit puzzled, that was unexpected. I didn't say anything. "You're just lucky because you've met Ville when he was on his lowest. That made easier for him to accept someone in his life. Someone like you."

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