40. In Joy And Sorrow

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We both woke up early because Ville and the boys would have a last interview before leaving for Brussels. I was worried so many interviews would stress Ville out, but he said he was okay with it. I remember Seppo telling me he would never say no, so I just hoped he was really alright. They would record in a TV studio, though.

"I think you should enjoy your time around the city, not be closed in a studio. We can meet later." He told me. "I'll feel guilty to lock you up with us."

"If you say so."

"I know you love Paris so much. I wish we had more time to enjoy it. We will come back." He caressed my hair. "Do me a favor?"

"Sure, Ville. What is it?"

"Buy me a Baudelaire book in French. You will read it for me."

"Okay, I can do that. I will also go to Shakespeare & Co. I think you'll have to rescue me from there, it's a paradise."

"I can meet you there, if we have time. Any news... you call me?" I knew what news he was referring to. "I will." He kissed me goodbye and I walked to the nearest subway station as they hopped into the van.

As it was near, I went to Notre Dame Cathedral and took some photos. I wasn't the religious type, but I took some time to be in silence a while and admire its architecture. I had a weird fascination for churches in general, maybe because of its history.

I crossed the Seine river, walked through a small park until I arrived at the bookshop. Shakespeare & Company was the dream of any book lover. I had the impression I was teleported to another dimension, to another era, every time I was there. They had lots of Baudelaire, I found him a nice edition of a poetry collection and of 'Les Fleurs du Mal'. I also asked if they had the book that started all for us. The Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Black Cat' translated by Baudelaire. They had an amazing antique edition, I knew Ville was going to love it. I bought so many books I didn't know where I would put them in my luggage.

I went back to the park to rest, while I admired my new acquisitions. My cellphone buzzed, it was a message from the doctor's office. My stomach twisted when I read it. My exam was ready. I didn't know if I should call Ville, he was at the interview by now, so I decided to go there to pick my results by myself.

I took a taxi because I was so nervous I couldn't even think how I would get there. I arrived in almost ten minutes, that felt like an eternity. I flew at the stairs, I couldn't even wait for the lift. I waited a little in the waiting room, until the doctor came to collect me.

(all this part was in French, but for reading purposes let's leave it in English :P)

"Where is your, fiancé, I suppose?"

"He couldn't be here now." I wouldn't discuss now he was just my boyfriend. "So, do you have my exams?"

The doctor handled me an envelope. "Maybe you want to open it with him."

I was dying of anxiety, but I agreed. "Yes. I will do that."

"After you talk to him, give me a call."

"Is there something wrong?"

"Just for a regular check up. We've made a complete blood exam."

I thanked and left the office. I stopped at the stairs, looking down at the envelope. Should I open it? No, I wanted to wait for Ville. I walked to the street with no direction. I was shaking, my heart was beating fast. I was near the Jardin des Tuileries, a beautiful park. I went there to walk a little. I didn't know if I should call him, because I knew he would ran to me. I waited a little, and he sent me a message, asking me where I was. I replied to him that I had the results. He called me right away.

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