181. The Heart of Darkness

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It took me a while to realize what was wrong with me. The drowsiness, it felt like the worse hangover ever. I didn't have one in a while, so I was confused. Did I drink? I didn't remember drinking.

I didn't remember a thing, actually. I was laying down somewhere I didn't recognize. The white ceiling had a crack, and I could hear water dripping near me. I was dreaming with that noise, and when I woke up, it was real.

My stomach twisted violently, I felt really sick, but at the same time without energy to even throw up. I coughed, and felt the air leaving my lungs. I touched my pockets to search for my medication, but couldn't find it.

"Here." Someone extended it to me. I only saw a hand, my vision was blurred. The corticosteroids gave me almost immediate response, giving me some strength to lift from the hard bed.

"Who is it?" I heard the steps, and looked up. I saw only the silhouette, and heard a noise like a gate being locked. "Hello? Eve? Eve, where are you?"

My heart jumped, when the memories started to return. The airport, the fans. My dad. I started panicking just to think about it. Maybe I passed out and was at the airport's infirmary.


No, I wasn't. I got inside a car, now I remembered.

I was drugged.

I got up and almost fell, my knees gave in. "Help. Somebody help me."

I dragged myself around the room, there was a toilet and I ran to the sink. I washed my face, and drank the water, my mouth was dry and my throat hurt. That helped me to get back to my senses, but that didn't mean I understood what was going on.

Where was I? This looked like a prison. It was a small room with a bed, the toilet and just another door, the exit. It was like a gate, I was literally behind bars.

Perkele saatana. What the hell was this place? Why was I locked up?

I went to the gate, and it was locked, obviously. On the other side, I could see some computers and lots of screens. Several footages were being displayed, and one in particular made my heart race.

"Eve. Eve, no." It was the entrance of our house. Son of a bitch. What the hell was this? "Come back here. Why? Why are you doing this?"

I looked around to see if there was something that I could use in case he came back. The bed was made of metal, I couldn't break it. Damn it. There was also a table and a chair, also made of metal. "Hey! Come back here!"

I heard the footsteps, and prepared myself. I stepped back, in case he opened the cell and I could stand a chance. My fists were ready for him.

"How are you feeling, Ville?"

"Open this fucking door. What the hell is this?"

"I can't, I'm afraid. Are you hungry? You should eat something." A tray of food was shoved inside the room, by a small passage. Just like a prison, indeed. "I know you're allergic to some stuff, it's safe for you to eat. Come on, pick it."

I didn't move, and he chuckled. "It's not poisoned either. Look, I know you must be confused, but I mean you no harm, okay?"

"So open this door. Why are you doing this? You can't keep me here."

"I have to leave now. Promise me you'll behave."

I flew to the door and he stepped back, giving me no chance to grab his neck. "Why? Why are you recording our house? What's the meaning of all this shit?"

"We can talk later, I'm a bit late now. Don't go anywhere." He gave me a cynic smile.

"No, come back here! Hey!" He walked away, closing a heavy door behind him.

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