96. The Beginning of the End

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Ville was at the rehearsal place, and he felt a chill on his spine when his cellphone rang and he saw the name on it. "What the hell." Henrik was calling, he knew it couldn't be good news. He would never call if it wasn't important. "What is it?"

"Hey, Ville. Is Eve with you?"

"No, why?" Ville got up and grabbed his coat and motioned Seppo to get up and grab his car keys, Seppo looked puzzled, the other guys had the same reaction, but Ville had a worried look and Seppo just followed him.

"She didn't come to the Uni, she's late for her class, I tried calling her, at Dr. Virtanen's and also on her cellphone, but she didn't answer. I thought she might be with you."

"I'm going there. Thank you for calling."

"Anything, please let me know."

"What's going on?" Seppo asked.

"We need to go, fast. To Dr. Virtanen's clinic. Eve didn't go to the Uni, she's never late. She's not answering her phone."

"Calm down, it's probably nothing."

Ville called the security guys, his hands were shaking and was even hard to press the buttons. "Is Eve on the clinic?"

"Yes, she didn't go out yet. Her last patient left for about half hour."

"Go inside and check on her, I'm coming."

Ville hanged up, sighing heavily in anxiety. "Easy, boy. Probably it's nothing." Seppo said to calm him down, but he was worried himself.

"She wasn't alright today, I shouldn't let her go."

"What would you do? Lock her up? You know Eve."

"Come on, Seppo, faster!" Ville screamed and he accelerated. After some minutes the security company called back.

"The door is locked from the inside, she's not opening. We called but there's no answer."

"Knock the door down, we'll fix it later, I don't care! If she's not replying she may be in the danger!"

"We will do it."

"Oh, god. I'm calling an ambulance." Ville called and tried to explain his pregnant wife was locked inside a building and could be in danger, but he was a bit confused explaining. He was too nervous, so Seppo grabbed the phone from his hand and explained.

"My god, what's happening with Eve? Why she's not replying? They say she didn't left, she's inside. Seppo, for all that's sacred, go faster. Maybe it's Charlotte, maybe she... I don't know."

"I'm going fastest I can. Just calm down."

Seppo glanced at Ville, he was desperate. Luckily, they were near and soon they arrived. Ville saw the security guys knocking down the door, he ran and passed by them. "Eve!" He called and there was no reply. Ville entered the first office, she wasn't there. He ran to the second one, he almost fell, the floor was slippery. His eyes widened.

There was so much blood.

He practically fell on his knees, running to her. Eve was on the floor, pale as white, she was bleeding on her wrists. "What did you do? What did you do? Help! Somebody!" He removed his coat and pressed on her right wrist. Ville screamed in terror. He put a hand over Eve's belly, not knowing what to do. "Oh god, Charlotte." He was sobbing and no sound came, his lungs were empty so desperate he was. That was the saddest scene someone could see from outside.

"Give me something to stop this, now!" Ville managed to say. Someone gave him a towel, and he made a tourniquet on her left wrist. Ville checked for a pulse, but he was shaking so much, he couldn't feel anything. That made him even more desperate.

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