94. The Ripper Holds Our Hearts

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Next days weren't so easy. I made some check ups, I was doing fine. Charlotte was smaller than average still, but Dr. Paikkala said she was alright. I started having some troubles, like morning sickness all over again, nose bleed every day, Ville would always get scared. Men.

At work, I saw Henrik from a distance, he didn't come to speak to me. I wanted peace for a moment, so I didn't go talk to him, I felt like I should, though. But not today. Today me and Ville would have a parents class. That would be fun, to say the least.

I left the Uni in the afternoon, Ville came to collect me. For my surprise, he came with Kari. "Hey, Kari! Nice to see you."

"I was with Ville and he asked me for a ride. How are you doing, Eve? How's my tyttärentytär?"

"Oh my, what a big word." I giggled. "Charlotte is fine."

"Let's put some Badding for her."

"She knows all songs by now, Ville always put it for her."

"You know, it's happier than Rautavaara." Ville shrugged.

"Well, she'll be a Finn, she's gonna be melancholic already." I said and they laughed. Kari wasn't a melancholic man, he was very at ease and calm. He reminded me my own father, actually. Charlotte would have two peaceful grandfathers. And two crazy grandmothers.

I was in the backseat, watching father and son talking. We had three generations in the car, although one was in my belly. The car window was open and it was a sunny day, the wind blowing, those little things that was enough to make one happy.

Maybe for someone, but not for me. It's not that I was sad, but my depression was so huge these days and overwhelming that it didn't let me enjoy those moments fully. And I felt guilty for it. But I tried concentrating in the class. We would have a fun afternoon together.

We arrived at the class and said goodbye to Kari. "Ready for this?" Ville asked.

I nodded. He seemed excited about it. We gave our names at the front desk. "Mr. and Mrs. Valo, follow me." We glanced at each other, Ville winked at me.

Oh, my. I never thought I would do this. There were several other parents there, getting ready. Everybody looked at the goth couple that arrived. I had trouble finding pregnant clothes that wasn't floral or too happy. I still preferred my black or darker clothes. Ville and his tattoos, we seemed out of place, other parents looked more like... Parents. Some people recognized him and started whispering. "Say hello to Eve and Ville, everyone." She said in Finnish.

Every couple had a table, with a box full of stuff. And a baby doll. Actually, it was a robot and it freaked me out, it cried and moved like a baby. "Oh lord, it's like a real baby." Ville caught it and it started to cry. I covered my mouth when I saw the despair on Ville's face. The teacher came by our side. "Come on Ville, help the baby!"

"What do I do?"

"First, don't freak out. Check if it's hungry."

There was a bottle and I gave it to Ville. "Ville, this way you're gonna make the baby choke. Try turning it this way." She helped him hold the baby. That was so cute to see.

The teacher spoke about diapers and ointments, Ville knew all about it already. We've learned how to change diapers correctly, there wasn't much mystery to it. "Done." Ville looked at me all proud. He was so lovely I couldn't help but smile all the time. I glanced around and saw some parents freaking out, or arguing. But that was fun to do, more than I could've imagined.

The most difficult part was how to give bath, I was scared of doing everything wrong. "Your hands are so big, it's so easy for you." I told Ville.

"Don't worry love, I'll be together all the time." He kissed the top of my head and we saw a flash. The teacher was taking pictures. "It's not everyday a celebrity comes here." Ville nodded, embarrassed.

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