57. Join Me in Death

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As if it wasn't enough all the craziness of the day, my mom called. News got really fast.

"How can you, first, not tell me you were back with Ville. Second, I-"

I cut her. "Oh, I'm glad you are more worried with whom I date that if I am fine."

"Don't be a drama queen. But I'm so angry that you are with him again and I find out by some random news on the internet. Ville got himself arrested because he was jealous of you? Oh my god." Apparently my mom was checking on Ville, still.

"First of all, I never told you because I am not back with him. But as soon as he get out, we are going to talk. I love him mom. And I won't let him go away from me. If wasn't for him, I don't know what could have happened to me."

"Just tell me what happened."

I told her the truth, the real version of the facts, and she was scared. "This guy can't be loose like that, he's dangerous. Oh Ve, I'm so sorry. I have to tell you something."

"What mom?"

"This Marius guy, he sent me an e-mail last month, I think. He told me he was a friend of yours, very concerned about you and asked me not to say to you we were in touch."

"What? How did he find you? And why you never told me? I can't believe that!"

"He probably saw my e-mail on the internet, it's not my personal one, it's the one I use for work. He must have searched for the name. And he gave me his number so I could call him. He told me horrible things about Ville and his ex girlfriend and he told me he would be near you in case you needed. But he seemed a gentle guy. I could never imagine. That's ironic, I'm a psychiatrist and didn't realize anything wrong with this guy."

"That really surprises me. Mom, I can't believe you never told me any of this. My own mother! How could you trust a random guy like that? Just because you didn't want me to be with Ville. You were blind by the... I don't know, do you hate Ville that much? I can't believe you." I was so angry I turned off the phone. I was astonished my own mother was so naïve, I felt stabbed in the back. Marius was definitely a crazy guy after all. He gave himself so much trouble to find things about me and Ville.

I found out he probably had some information about me through my own mother, but she said she never gave him much details. He was really a stalker. My mom regretted so much her behaviour I didn't lecture her in the end. I had a stupid heart, because I should have.

"Maybe it was Chris. He said it himself." I told Leena.

"Shit, I may have told her something. And I think when we went out once, we were drunk and he asked about you. I'm sorry Eve, I may have spilled the beans."

"Well, doesn't matter. I just can't trust her anymore. Please, don't tell her any of this."

"Sure, don't worry."

Seppo called me again with good news. "Ville's lawyer said he will be release tomorrow by ten in the morning. I'm gonna pick him up. You have to come. He's going to be happy to see you."

"I sure will."

"Be prepared though, probably they will take photos of you two."

"I don't care, Seppo. The news already spread out."

"Hum. It was really fast. So, I'll catch you tomorrow at nine."

I told Leena and she was thinking in staying with a cousin for a while. She was a bit scared herself and I wouldn't blame her. I wasn't, I was angry and ready to fight that crazy son of a bitch.

"Ville has a lot of photos of you two, it's so cute." Leena was looking around.

"Yeah, he didn't removed them while we weren't together. I like this one very much." It was the one Mige took from us at the studio.

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