134. Drawn & Quartered

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Ville's POV

"Gone With The Sin" was ending and no clue of Eve in the audience. She loved that song, it was one of her favourites. I saw her on the first song and she disappeared, so did Céd. Maybe they were here, backstage, but I just saw Natali with Charlie, Vic and some other people.

"Where's Eve?" I asked Seppo, while Linde was on his solo.

"I think she's still in the audience."

"I can't see her, nor Cédric, it's been a while. Could you find her, please?"

"She's fine, are you jealous? Go on, go sing."

Seppo mocked me, but I could barely concentrate, I tried not to worry, the place was dark so maybe she was somewhere. I looked every face in the crowd, every dark corner, no sign of her.

We had some more few songs to play, I went backstage, and searched for Seppo again. "Dadda, where's mum?"

"I don't know either." I looked at Natali, she shrugged. "I didn't see her."

I saw Seppo on the cellphone from a distance, but I had to finish the song. When it ended, Mige came to me. "V, what's going on? You're very distracted today."

"I'm worried about Eve. Can't find her."

"She's fine, otherwise Seppo would tell you. Come on, we have just more three songs."

I nodded but I couldn't concentrate. Every time I looked backstage, the sound engineers thought I was angry at them, as usual, but I couldn't care less about the sound. I just felt something was happening and nobody was telling me.

When "Right Here in My Arms" ended, I quickly went to speak with Seppo again. "Seppo."

He looked at me worried, I knew he had bad news. "What is it?"

"Ville, just finish the gig, and we will go. I'll sort your things."

"Why, what happened?"

"Look, calm down. I don't know either. Cédric called me, he's in the hospital with Eve."

I felt my legs trembling. I was thinking Eve might be pregnant but she didn't say anything to me. She was having these morning sickness, faiting, but she would know. She wouldn't hide that from me. And if she was, why was she in the hospital? "I'm going right now."

"Ville, end the gig, while I sort your things."

"My wife is in the hospital and do you think I care? Give me a break, Seppo." I passed by him, I was lost. "Which hospital?"

"I'll take you there, just calm down."

Charlie was by my side, with Natali. "Dear, I'll have to leave a bit, can you stay with Nat and Gas? And Lara, of course. I'll be back soon, okay?" She seemed puzzled. "Natali, Eve is in the hospital, can you stay with Charlie, please?" I whispered to her, I didn't want to alarm my little one.

"Why? What happened?"

"I don't know yet." Natali's eyes filled with tears. "Do you want to tell me something?"

"No, go on. Just update us. Don't worry about Eve's stuff, I'll take with us."

I kissed Charlie goodbye and waited for Seppo. He was talking to the band and they would play some more without me. While we walked away, I heard Mige talking to the audience. Seppo motioned me to follow him. "What Cédric said to you?"

"He said Eve's in the hospital and she wants to tell you in person. Just that."

"And when that happened?"

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