165. No Love Will Be Enough

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I was finally on vacations but had to deal with so many things. We had many encounters with our lawyers. First, me and Ville decided to keep my donation to Alma. Now, the coffee shop was 50% ours and 50% hers. We thought it was only fair, I didn't want to go back on my word, and I didn't plan to give up the place, ever. This would be my place with Ville as long as we could keep it. Now that it was summer, it was always full and we could never go there in peace. Just like Kari's store, it became a sort of a mecca for HIM fans. And lately they were a bit... Wild.

Whenever we tried to visit the coffee shop, people gathered outside and it was so difficult to escape. Ville would be scared because of me, he kept saying to the fans I was pregnant and they should be careful. Now it wasn't a secret anymore. People wanted to be too close, we couldn't be by ourselves in many occasions, this was bothering Ville for the first time. Usually he didn't had problems with fans but this was becoming too much, as he was always worrying of people getting too close to me and Charlie. He would always tell different stories about how fans can be aggressive. When they exploded in Germany for example, Ville told how he would always encounter people at his door steps, or people following him around. He said he wasn't afraid, usually the fans were passionated fans, and they never did many things. But now he was worried someone might hurt me or Charlie.

Ville almost hit one fan by the door of our house, that was surprising because he wasn't violent at all, on the contrary, he was even calm near me. I was always ready to punch someone. But this guy was very bold and grabbed Ville by his shirt, claiming he wanted a hug. I got scared and almost slapped the dude, I didn't want to take my chances. People were crazier these days, and Ville thought he was going to hit me, and put himself between us and almost punched the guy. I had to hold him back, and the guy said he was sorry. These things could be scary, whenever I was with Charlie. I didn't mind me, but I couldn't forget the little viking in my belly.

All the media put us on spotlight like we didn't see in a while. When I started dating Ville, things were rough. He was always on the cover of a magazine. After Marius, I was too. It didn't help all the several episodes I had after. We became a weird couple in Finland, perhaps in the world. That would always attract unwanted attention and strange people around us. Seppo suggested we had a bodyguard again, because we saw some weird things around the house. As the night was never too dark now in summer, sometimes I had the impression someone was in the yard. We had cameras but we were never able to see anything clearly. Maybe it was my imagination, but we decided we would only reinforce some measures, we put other types of cameras and alarms. This was uncomfortable, but it was safer for Charlie, and Ville felt better this way. I wasn't fond of the idea of walking with a bodyguard, nor him.

We also had to deal with the bloody magazines. We decided to sue them, and also Natalie's show. The lawyer explained us all the perks and difficulties, but he was confident we would win the case. Perjury was a serious issue in Finland, well, in any serious country. But it would be tricky, after reading thoroughly, he said the magazines only suggested the baby was Benjamin's, just like Natalie. Of course, while nervous I read they were affirming it, but they weren't amateurs in these matters, they knew what they were doing. It would be a hassle, but me and Ville decided to go on because that would keep them away from us if we won, so it was worth the shot.

"You and Ville are probably the most exciting issue here in Finland in years. Nobody cares if the famous actress went to the beach, or if someone threw a public tantrum because of drinking too much, but if you and Ville appears making groceries shop, they love it. After everything that happened to you both, you are a very beloved couple. People don't like anyone saying lies about you either. The magazines suffered a backlash, they received a lot of complaints, so did Natalie."

It was comforting to know people didn't hate us, on the contrary. But some definitely didn't like me. I found out who was Natalie's source and I wasn't exactly surprised, but it was shocking, still. Benjamin found out while he was away that Angela was spying on him. He saw there was some access of his personal e-mail at the University while he was away. She was the only one that had access to his computer. And there was a personal matter as well.

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