52. Love in Limbo

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Next day I was completely useless, but I couldn't skip class. It was seven in the morning, when Mige called me. My heart jumped, waiting for the worse news.


"Hey, Eve. I'm back. Are you busy, do you wanna grab coffee?"

"I was about to have some. Can you meet me on that coffee shop near Helsinki university?" Mige took me there in the first place.

"Sure. I'm going right away."

I went there fastest I could. Mige probably had some news on Ville. I arrived there earlier, I asked for a coffee as I didn't have much sleep and it would be a long day.

"Hey, Eve." I got up and Mige gave me a bear hug, and didn't let me go. "I'm sorry about everything." He said.

I took a deep breath, I was so emotional I wanted to cry all over again. "How are you?" I asked him.

"Just a bit tired from the flying, but I'm alright. I won't ask you, though. I'm really sorry things went south."

"Yeah, me too." I took a deep breath, preparing myself to Mige's news. "So, did you see him yesterday?"

"I saw him at the hospital. I'm confused by the jet lag, I don't know what's yesterday." Mige always tried to make me laugh, no matter the situation was.

"How was he by then?"

"I won't lie, he was bad. He was more pale than normal, looked tired. But tours always waste us, so I thought he was only worn out. The problem was that he couldn't sleep well and he was back on the booze."

"Yeah, that was... A shame."

"Unfortunately he wasn't good to control himself, and I didn't know. He would drank when he was with Bam, apparently."

"I tried calling Bam, he didn't even call me back."

"Seppo said that he found a lot of stuff at Ville's place. We don't know for sure what he mixed. Medications, like antidepressives, booze. And god knows what else."

"Jesus. How can a friend do this to him, Mige?" He shrugged. "I couldn't even talk to Ville, Mige. We didn't speak." I held my tears back, Mige looked down at his hands. He probably was fearing I would cry in front of him.

"Seppo told me. He tried calling you, from my cellphone, when he was in the hospital, you and Leena."

"I had a bad feeling following me around, but I couldn't imagine this would happen again."

"But it was for the best, I mean him on rehab. He looked well all this time, but probably he wasn't, Eve. He got better, way better. You didn't see him last year. He was truly on a path of self destruction, it's really something he's alive. Believe me."

"He never told me about this period. Not with details."

"His parents, oh gosh. It was so hard on them. Anita thought about the worst." I remembered Kari telling me the same thing. "He was totally lost. We had too many gigs, events, and that crazy routine you now know. And some crazy relationship."

I sighed, thinking about Natalie. Was she still on rehab? "Do you know why he didn't come back to Helsinki?"

Mige thought a while before answering. "He said something about getting better before coming back. And also he did it straight away so he wouldn't have second thoughts, about the rehab."

I just nodded, looking down at my coffee.

"Eve, I also came here because Ville asked me to give you this." Mige took an envelope from his pocket and handled it to me, over the table. It had my name on it, I recognized the handwriting.

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