64. Endless Dark

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I didn't even think. The fire wasn't spreading much, I had to save whatever I could. There were lots of work there, not only mine, but of so many people who studied in that lab. Jessica's, Chris'. I was about to enter when a guy held me. He said something in Finnish and I replied to him. "Help me! If we work fast we can save a lot of things."

I entered the lab and found some boxes, where I could put some work that wouldn't be possible to access from computers or recover later, like microscope blades. Someone came to help me, but the smoke was heavy in my lungs already. These material was kept in the back of the lab, it wasn't so near the door. "Let's go, the firemen are coming!" He said. I saw some other desperate students running inside the lab.

I didn't understand why the fire devices weren't working. There was so many things that would be lost forever in that lab, I had to try while the fire was manageable. I came back and retrieved some more boxes of blades and whatever I could pick at that moment. When I got outside I found Jessica, crying. "Eve! I left my notebook on my station, all my work is in there, help me get it!"

I glanced back and the fire was quickly spreading now, with a strong smelling of something chemical. Jessica entered and I hesitantly followed her. I was exasperated, when I saw all the fire, it was way worse now. Jessica found her stuff, we where getting out when part of the ceiling collapsed on us.

It barely hit me, I looked behind me and saw Jessica on the floor, and she didn't react. I screamed for help. I realized my voice didn't come out so loud, I felt a sharp pain in my throat. I tried calling her and I couldn't hear my voice. Nobody was coming, and she didn't get up. I pulled her with all my strength, holding her laptop as well. I couldn't breath anymore, it was like having an asthma crisis and thought about Ville. His image in my head made me even more desperate and I felt all the heat behind me. I didn't have strength anymore, I fell on my knees.

I felt someone grabbing me and Jessica as well, and with all the strength I still had, I held her laptop to my chest.

The firemen took us out, Jessica was passed out and I saw blood in her head. I couldn't stop coughing when someone put an oxygen mask in my face. The paramedics were talking to me but I was confused, I couldn't even distinguish if it was English or Finnish. I felt dizzy and sick, almost throwing up. I was looking at Jessica and they asked if my arm hurt. Only then I realized there was blood in my arm and I felt a burning pain. "You have a big cut here. We'll have to give you stitches." I nodded and pointed to Jessica.

"She had a concussion, we are taking her to the hospital immediately. And you, too." They put me in the ambulance and I saw the lab burning. I felt tears falling down my face and it hurt to sob, I couldn't find air. I snapped when a guy came to talk to me. "Miss, I work for Mr. Valo, I'll follow you to the hospital." I nodded and thought to myself where the fuck he was when I needed help. He showed me some ID, probably it was the security guy. For a moment I didn't know if I was hallucinating or if I really saw him, I was really confused and everything seemed to happened so fast.

The paramedics gave me some gauze to squeeze my arm. I realized I was still holding Jessica's laptop as if it was part of me. My phone was ringing, it was Ville. So the guy really existed. The paramedic didn't let me remove my oxygen mask, I tried but he held it in place. "You can call later, you inhaled too much smoke, you can't speak now."

When I arrived at the hospital, they gave me a bigger mask of oxygen while I was in the room. They cleaned my arm and gave me stitches, they asked me about vaccines and stuff like that. I realized I forgot all my things on the floor, including my purse.

A doctor came and said I stayed too long in a heavy smoke. My voice was so hoarse and low it was weird. I asked about Jessica, he told me she was making some exams but was out of danger. I had to stay with the mask because of the smoke I inhaled and apparently there was something chemical that burned inside the lab that could do me harm.

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