111. Don't Look Back

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I glanced around and I screamed to Nick. "Charlie! Charlie is gone!" I looked inside the store, Ville was still there, she wasn't with him. I started running through the street, looking every direction. I quickly thought of Marius, but it wasn't possible. Or maybe he had a partner.

I was running aimless, looking inside everywhere, every store. The noise of the city didn't let me hear her cry. "Charlie." I covered my mouth, walking on the streets. I didn't see any police officer during the way.

I saw the trams passing by, maybe she was inside those, or a bus, or even a car. The desperation hit me and I cried out loud. "Somebody help me." How would I find her now? Days ago I imagine this happening, Marius taking her away from my arms. I cursed myself just to think of it. He had said "see you soon" that day. Did did he escape, how? How we didn't know about it? Because this had to be one of his tricks.

My heart was about to fail, I couldn't think proper, my legs were stuck, I didn't know in which direction I should go. I looked around, she could be anywhere. Then I saw some police officers and ran to them. "Anteksi, help me!"

I showed Charlie's photo on my cellphone. "This is my daughter, someone just took her. Please help me. She's using a pink beanie, and white blouse, and pink pants. Please. It just happened, she can be anywhere, with anyone."

They were holding me back, asking questions and I didn't have time for it. I walked away, trying to look for her. I heard them calling me but I didn't look back. I was running, stumbling on people, looking inside everywhere, but I was so desperate I couldn't see anything proper. My heart was beating so strong, I felt I was under some stimulating drug.

I ran so much I didn't know where I was anymore, I was near a calmer street, when I heard a cry. My heart jumped, and I followed the noise. It was her, it was Charlie. It had to be her. I entered the street, it was like a small alley.

I saw someone with her back to me. Although she wasn't facing me, I knew her. She had Charlie in her arms, she was crying a lot.


She slowly turned around when she heard my voice. She too, was crying, looking down at Charlie. "Chris, what are you doing? Please, just give me her."

"I'm sorry, Eve."

Charlie was scared, she was crying out loud. "Charlie, mommy is here, don't cry. Chris, please. Just give me my daughter." I step forward and Chris flinched a bit. "What are you doing with her?" I tried speaking to her in the most calmer way I could.

"I'm really sorry, Eve. I didn't want to." Chris was stuttering, she looked back and forth to me and Charlie.

"Is this Marius' idea?"

Chris nodded. "Chris, you don't have to. We can help you, is he threatening you? He's locked up, he can't do anything to you. I don't care what he has on you, we can help."

"No. He's not threatening me."

I was incredulous. "Then... Why are you doing this?" This made me even more nervous. If she was being threatened by him, I would  understand.

"He just... He asked me to. I'm sorry."

Chris loved Marius, I understood now. She always tried to defend him, and even knowing who he was, she didn't change her mind and that made me scared. Maybe she was capable of everything, just like him.

"Chris, Charlie is innocent. Look at her, she's just a baby girl. She's six months old. She's scared, she wants her mother."

Chris looked at her, Charlotte didn't stop crying. "I don't know why I did it. Now I'm in a big mess."

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