159. Run Away From the Sun

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Lately I was always behindhanded for my appointments, and Lee wasn't too amused when I arrived at her stylist appointment. She would test her wedding dress today.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"The reason you're late only makes me think you're working too much and you shouldn't be." She gave me a hug, and she was right. I had to slow down, but keeping myself busy was good for me, I felt better that way, I didn't have time to think about matters that would give me anxiety.

Her mother and her cousin, the other bridesmaid, were also there, and her dress was beautiful. She didn't like big dresses, it was more of bohemian chic type, but very discreet. Lee had a hippie soul, it fitted her just fine. "Tell me your thoughts." She spinned for me see her beautiful dress.

"You look stunning, it's so you. I loved it, and Mige will drop dead."

"I'm glad you liked it, I can trust your judgement. I'm so happy with it, I wasn't anxious before, but now I really am." She smiled widely and it warmed my heart, I couldn't help but feeling emotional for her. The way she looked to herself in the mirror, probably imagining the big day, made me believe there was still happiness in the world when everything seemed confused. She was giving me a reason to smile, I was tremendously happy for my dear friend. "And how about your dress? I didn't see it yet."

"I... Don't kill me, I still have to find it."

"Eve, do you remember when we will get married, right?"

"I do, I promise you everything will work out." Lee's mom and her cousin left us early, I had the feeling they didn't like me much or they avoided me somehow. We didn't talk much in any of the occasions we've met for the wedding and I found weird, but Lee didn't say anything. Lee's cousin, Katia, looked at me in a way I felt a bit uncomfortable, sometimes you just feel in people's eyes something is off. But I had other matters, I only felt relieved when they left. We went for a coffee to talk a bit, we didn't talk in a while. I had to pick Charlie at music class soon, but I felt I owned Lee some time.

"Tell me how are things with you." She asked me. I didn't want to have only bad news, but I told about Arthur, about the book. And also about Benjamin.

She sighed heavily and gave me a hard look. "Don't get offended, but you cannot bring him to my wedding."

I chuckled. "That's rude, but I wasn't planning on that."

"Are you two dating?" Lee eyed me anxiously.

"No. But..." I sighed and I felt the judgment on Lee's eyes already.

"But what?"

"We almost had sex."

Lee dropped her cup of coffee on the table. "I can't believe you."

"What, Lee? I am a free person, divorced and all now."

"But you love Ville!"

"Oh, come on Lee. It's hopeless. Ville was so eager to make me sign the papers, I have to move on. I don't mean moving on by dating someone else, I really don't want to think about it now, so soon. Maybe never. But... Benjamin, he's... He's very nice, I like him. But I have to go slow, I know. Don't look like I'm cheating on Ville."

"But it's so disappointing! You're meant to be together, I just can't accept it. You are both toying with my heart."

I chuckled. "Tell him that yourself."

We've talked a bit more about wedding arrangements, but I had to pick Charlie. I got her a dress, she would be the ring bearer. I sent a picture to Lee and she loved it. I also sent it to Ville, and he quickly replied. "She looks beautiful."

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