154. This Life Ain't Worth Living

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Maybe this was a prank. Ruby, here in Paris, for what? I had to see with my own eyes. "And where is she?"

"At the gate. No one enters without being identified now, the family has to authorize." Cédric told me and I headed towards the entrance. I realized he was following me.

"Who is this woman? Is she... Is she who I think she is?"

I didn't stop. I wasn't sure how much Cédric knew, but maybe the Norwegian name gave it away, he was suspicious of something wrong. "Inge is... Ruby."

Cédric put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. "Wait, why is this woman here, what does she want with Eve? Or... Well, I suppose she came after you."

"I have no idea what she wants, okay? That's what I have to find out."

"Are you sure you don't know?"

"What are you implying?"

"You can't let this woman near Eve, Ville."

"I'll deal with it." Cédric let me go, and as I got closer to the gate I saw some camera flashes and people calling my name. It was still a big mess of fans, curious people, and I had the impression it was attracting more attention now.

Fuck. It was really Ruby. I saw the red boots from a distance, and I wished I was wrong. I slowed down my pace, but she saw me. She smiled shyly, and waved. This time, she was alone.

I reluctantly went there, and I gave the instructions to let her through. I ignored all the questions about Eve people were asking when I approached the gate. "Who is she, Ville? A friend?"

"Ville." As things couldn't get worse, Ruby jumped to hug me. "Ruby, stop." I held her down. "Just keep walking." I heard the journalists repeating Ruby's name, probably taking notes.

"I'm sorry, it's just I thought I would never see you again." Ruby said, in an apologetically tone.

"What are you doing here?" I kept walking so we would be far away from the vultures.

"I heard the news about Eve."

"And?" Now we were in the garden, far away from their sight. "Ruby, I thought it was crystal clear. There's nothing between us. Not a single link. We can't be friends, after all that happened, we shouldn't see each other anymore."

"I came to see Eve."

I was puzzled. What Ruby had in mind, was she really so naive? "Ruby, I don't understand. You came from Norway, all this way to see her? I know you must feel grateful because what she did for you, but..."

"Eve needs help, and that's why I came."

"She sure does, but I'm not following. How can you think you can help her?"

"I was in a coma once. Long time ago, when I tried the first time." She looked down at her wrist. They weren't exposed, gladly, I didn't want to see where she cut her rose deeply. Just by remembering that scene, I could feel the scent of blood filling my nostrils again. It was almost like taste iron, it would even make me feel a little sick. I couldn't deal with blood much, and after what happened to Eve, things got way worse.

"Okay, but I still don't comprehend."

"She must be stucked somewhere. She needs guidance."

"Look, Ruby. She has the best doctors taking care of her. They don't know what's going on with her, but they are doing their best and I'm confident Eve will wake up soon. Now, listen. I appreciate your concern, but understand that your presence here will only get things worse. Please, go home. I mean it. I'm sorry you came all this way, but you can't help Eve."

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