69. The Funeral of Hearts

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I never felt so much panic in my life before. I didn't know what to do, I cried in terror, seeing the blood on my legs.

"Ville." I managed to say, his green eyes also in horror. I knew what it meant all that blood, he probably too. I was losing life, the life I was carrying.

I felt out of breath and concentrated not to passed out, my head was spinning hard and I felt a terrible pain in my back and in my belly. "Oh my god, it hurts." Ville went to my side. "Hold on to me." He picked me up, screaming to my mom to take us to the hospital.

He put me in the car, my father drove  like mad, and thank the gods he was an excellent driver. Ville was speaking to me but everything was becoming a blur. I cried so much sometimes I couldn't breath. I heard my mom on the phone, screaming.

"Kulta? Talk to me." I looked up, I was lying on Ville's lap, he was holding my face, his hand shaking. His expression broke me down. "I'm scared, Ville." My hand was resting in my belly, like I could hold on that life that was inside me.

"Don't be. Soon we'll be at the hospital, you will be okay. Try to be calm." I just couldn't. I felt the blood flow increasing and the panic was consuming me. I never cried so much in my life. The feeling of helplessness was simply too much, I was trying to stay positive but the pain I felt could mean only one thing, what I feared the most.

When we arrived at the hospital I begged for help. I cried out loud when I saw Ville crying, and they held him down, I didn't have strength left, I reached out to him and I felt the tip of my fingers touching his. But they were moving me fast in the stretcher, my mom was with me and people around were making her questions. She mentioned Dr. Schwartz, he was on his way. I knew he was the best so I tried to be calmer, but the pain was excruciating.

"Check her pulse."

"Her heart beat is too high."

Soon the IV was in my arm, someone told me to calm down and I didn't see anything else.

"Ville." The last thing I said.


Ville's POV

I was with Ando at the waiting room, he also couldn't keep his oriental calm. I was shaking terribly, walking around the room. The panic was taking over me, remembering the blood, the terror in Eve's eyes. I looked down and I had her blood in my clothes. It hurt so much I felt my asthma hitting me. Fortunately I had my medicine.

"Are you okay?" Ando asked.

"No. I'm losing my mind, Ando. I need to know how she is, please, ask them."

Ando nodded, he had already asked but he did it again, I didn't understand a word but I knew they didn't have any news yet. Then I saw Dr. Schwartz running.

"Dr. Schwartz." I cried to him.

"Ville, I need to go, Eve needs me." I let him be, he was right. I felt out of breath again, my chest hurt. "Ville, calm down, breath." Ando was by my side and made me sit. I used my medicine again, but I still felt out of breath. He was talking to some nurse. My chest hurt and made a rumbling noise.

A nurse came to talk to me, but I didn't understand. "She's asking if you're okay. Ville, breath."

I felt someone lifting me up from the chair, there were two nurses helping me to get on my feet and they took me to a room, where they gave me an oxygen mask. Ando was there with me. He was telling something to the nurses.

"I'm explaining you have asthma. Your lips were turning blue."

I removed the mask, I was desperate. My chest hurt but I couldn't stop sobbing. "She can't lose it, Ando. It's not fair."

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