45. Pretending

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I ran to the pub fastest I could, I wasn't thinking straight, I just concentrate to not get lost again. There, they didn't want to let me in because of the confusion that was forming, I said I knew Ville. They didn't let me in anyway, I started to cry and insisted a lot, until they finally gave me permission.

There was a crowd near the bar, I saw Linde. I pushed everybody aside, and then I saw Ville on the floor. "What happened?" I asked Linde. Bam was holding Ville's head. I got down on the floor, checked his pulses and it was so slow and weak, I got desperate.

"Have you called an ambulance?" I screamed at Bam, he just nodded. He was desperate as well. "What happened? Did he drink anything?"

"I gave him a beer. Without alcohol. He drank it and he fell, he simply fell."

"Are you sure it was without alcohol?"

"I guess so."

"You don't know?" I screamed at Bam, I was infuriated. I was afraid it was his heart. The paramedics arrived, pushing everybody. I tried to explain in German but I failed. I was so nervous I couldn't manage to say anything, I just followed them. Linde told me he was trying to call Seppo, he didn't answer.

I went with Ville in the ambulance. There I could explain better what happened. I told he had an asthma condition as well. They told me Ville looked like he was drugged, he was breathing normally and his heart was normal, although his heart beat was slower than normal for a person of his age. I got confused at first, but then I remembered he telling me that it happened to him once in the US.

At the hospital, I realized he didn't have his wallet nor his ID. I tried calling Seppo, he didn't answer me, so I called Linde and told him I needed Ville's passport.

As usual they didn't let me enter with him. Instead, they gave me a form in German I tried to fill in, but I was so nervous my hands were shaking. The nurse was getting angry at me because she needed it and I just couldn't write, and I didn't have Ville's information. I said we didn't live in Germany and she got angrier, giving me another form to fill in.

After a while, Bam and Kat arrived. What was she doing here I didn't know, but I wouldn't discuss that now. I was angry at them both. Bam told me Linde was at the hotel trying to wake up Seppo. I was standing near the door, waiting if I saw Seppo or Linde. Bam came to talk to me.

"Look Eve, I'm really sorry but I don't know exactly what happened. I gave him the beer, he drank it, and after a while he passed out." Bam seemed confused, still very drunk.

"The paramedics said he was probably drugged. Did you put anything in his beer?"

"What, no! No way it happened again."

"Were you trying to prank him?"

"No! Of course not! I would never do this to him."

"You did it with Mika."

"But it was Viagra, not this shit!" Bam started to scream, he was altered by the alcohol and getting angry. 

Kat came to us. "Calm down, Bam. Come, let's sit."

Seppo finally arrived with Linde and Mige. I just asked for his passport to fill the form and finally give it to the nurse. Seppo was kinda groggy, we all had had too much wine.

"What the fuck happened? Linde couldn't explain properly." Seppo asked, while Linde shrugged.

"Apparently he was drugged. Something in his beer, that Bam gave him." Seppo looked at Bam, disapprovingly. "Beer?"

"Without alcohol, but he's not sure. He barely knows his name at this point." I was pissed off.

We waited about one hour when the doctor came. He explained that it was most likely what we were suspicious about, someone put a drug on his drink. He didn't wake up yet, but we could see him. I didn't even waited, I went to his room right after the doctor. Nobody followed me. The doctor also explained Ville would have to make a statement to the police later. Seppo was already dealing with it. I thanked so much Seppo existed.

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