26. Into the Night

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I woke up with Ville caressing my hair. "We arrived, love." I was groggy and Ville picked me up. Mige just laughed of the scene and said goodbye.

He put me down to open the door. "I'd kick the door but I'm afraid I would break my foot." The way he smiled warmed my heart. He had a genuine and pure laugh that showed all his sweetness. I touched his face before going inside to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

I was here with him, for real.

He looked at me, smiling and curious. "Shall we?" His tower was clean and everything seemed in order. Marie took care of everything. He gave a quick look at some letters on the table. "Do you want anything, kulta?"

"No. Maybe just your bed."

He pulled me to him and caressed my hair. He looked serious.

"What is it, Ville?"

"Nothing. Just let me look at you." I smiled and watched him. His green eyes had the same sparkle that enchanted me the first day I saw him. "I thought you would forget about me."

How could he think such nonsense?

"Not even if I went mad. How could I, Ville? I didn't stop thinking about you for even one day."

"Me either, kulta. You were always on my mind." He sang to me the Elvis Presley song. He took my hand and spun me around, but it was too fast and I almost fell. We laughed and he caught me in his arms. How I missed those arms around me. Sometimes I pinched myself mentally to check if it wasn't a dream. How I loved that smile, the sound of his deep voice, his scent, everything. How he made my stomach flutter just by existing. Now that we were alone again, I felt my heart racing when he kissed me lightly. "Come, let's go to bed." He whispered and I had to take a deep breath. I was ecstatic, I was so happy it hurt.

We went to his room and I felt like we never left. He took off his suit, the ugly sweater and hung them, picking my coat as well. I looked around and didn't know what to do. He saw my discomfort. "I'll find you a t-shirt. Or do you want this one again?" He pointed to the Black Sabbath t-shirt he was wearing. I couldn't even reply, he took it off and studied my reaction.

He got closer and I traced his tattoos. The heartagram on his left nipple. He shivered when I touched him with my cold fingers. Now I could see how skinny he was, and it worried me.

"You lost weight." I touched his belly and I felt his muscles twitching. He held my face and caressed me with the back of his hand.

"I did. Doctor said it was because of the meds and the alcohol. But I'm healthier. Way healthier. Ate proper food and all. It's a matter of time I gain weight, I guess. But I can see you're skinnier, too." He traced my neckline with those long fingers, I tried not to shiver... Much.

"I think so." My clothes were falling and loose. It was a hard month.

He sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap. I put my arms around his neck. He absently minded caressed my thigh. "Tell me everything. What happened while I was away? I asked Seppo how were you, when he picked me up today, and he told me I should talk to you myself. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Well, it wasn't easy without you here. It was hard not knowing if you were alright. I was worried and anxious all the time."

"I know. For me it was difficult not having any news about you, too. But tell me how you ended up making a new tattoo, out of the blue?" He looked at it again. "I mean, this is something I do. But I think you're more of a person who would think about it first."

"I don't know, I theorize it was a desperate measure to feel another kind of pain. I really don't know. I didn't plan, indeed. Guess I was bad, trying to live my life, but it got worse when..." I didn't finished.

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