11. Gossips

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My feet were still killing me, so he conducted me to the couch. He sat and before I could do the same, he pulled me, making me sit in his lap. I laughed with him. It was definitely a comfortable place to be.

I put my arms around his neck. One of his hands was on my thigh, making me wonder about what just happened. We looked at each other for a while. That moment alone was all we wanted. I desired it so much sometimes I wondered if I wasn't dreaming, it seemed surreal.

"What are you thinking, kulta?"

"That this is too good to be true." I was utterly honest.

He laughed delighted. He gave me small pecks before kissing me intensely. His hand squeezed my thigh and my hands travelled through his hair, to his neck. It felt good to caress his skin, I could feel he was also enjoying.
My dress lifted slightly with his caresses and I felt his hand on my skin. Our kiss became more urgent and hotter. He moaned when I grasped his hair. He breathed and I saw his eyes full of desire.

I jumped when a phone buzzed. It was his. "Won't you check it?" I asked. Somebody was calling. He looked at the ID and muttered something. It was Seppo.

"Excuse me, kulta. I need to answer this." He kissed me again before getting up and held me in his arms. He then put me on the couch again. I pulled him by the shirt for a last kiss. He was on top of me, phone in his hand, buzzing. I bit his lower lip slightly and he looked at me full of desire.

"Oh, fuck it." He dropped the phone. He adjusted and squeezed himself between my legs. My short dress was already showing too much.

And his phone buzzing.

"Helvetti saatana." He got up quickly and picked up the phone again. "What?" He almost screamed.

Probably wasn't anything good, by the looks on his face. Ville was just listening.

I got up and tidied up my dress and hair in place. I looked at the mirror, I was a mess.

Ville talked to him for at least five minutes. He seemed worried about something. Sometimes he looked at me with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry kulta. Come here." I hugged him. "Everything alright?" I asked.

"Not exactly but I'll manage it. But I'm afraid I need to get going. Seppo is... Coming to pick me."

"Oh. Okay. Can I help with something?"

"No, don't worry. Look, the best thing you can do for me is to rest, and I'll call you later. Is that alright?"

"Sure. You too, sleep a little."

"I'll try." He kissed me deeply and held me in his arms. "Kulta, my night with you was lovely. Thank you for this. You don't know how much I needed it."

"I loved it, too." I smiled at him and I held back everything I wanted to say. It was way too soon. But everything was so intense I wanted to scream to the world what I was feeling. It was so crazy how my feelings build up so fast. I was completely dazzled by him.

We heard a honk and he looked at the window and we saw a car outside. It was probably Seppo.

''I'll call you later, okay? Dream about me." He gave me one last kiss and picked up his suit.

He didn't even have to ask me this.

I sneaked at the window and saw him entering the car, Seppo was driving. Does this man sleep?

I sighed when I saw the empty house, I was already missing him. Ville can fill a place like no one with his presence. I grabbed my things, and suddenly I felt very exhausted. My head was a bit light from all the alcohol, I wondered how much of it helped with what just happened between us, but I didn't regret a thing. Well, I didn't had much time to think, I dropped dead in bed.

When I woke up, it was already 2 pm. Thank God I drank a lot of water, I didn't feel any symptoms of a heavy hangover, only a light headache. Nothing that an Advil wouldn't help.
When I went downstairs, I smelled some food. Leena was cooking.

"There you are! Right on time."

It looked delicious, but my stomach ached, maybe I drank too much. I wasn't used to drink that heavily, I don't know what happened last night. Scandinavians can be bad influence, I guess.

I asked how Leena's mother was. She had a surgery to remove her appendix and she was here in Helsinki, so Leena could help her during the holidays. Everything went fine.

Of course Leena was dying of curiosity. I ate a small portion of the spaghetti she made, as we talked.

I told her about my anxiety attack and she got a little worried. "You should see a psychiatrist here. Maybe you'll find someone who speaks English. That kind of thing is dangerous, we have to take care of our mental health."

Oh, I know about that more than I would like to.

But I talked most about the surprise concert. As I remembered, my eyes were filled with tears. I was extremely emotional with music. I remembered every chorus, Ville's voice... It gave me the chills. Leena smiled to see my reaction. Of course, it wasn't only about the music. That man, singing and looking at me... I sighed.

And we finally got to the part Leena was waiting. "Wait what, was he here?? And you guys made out? Did you..."

"No, no." I was embarrassed. I knew Leena recently, so I was even surprised I was telling her everything. I have some difficulties to open up, but talking to her was easy. She asked me more details about the party, and filling her in made me feel a little melancholic.

I missed him so much already.

I looked at my phone. He didn't call nor sent a message. Maybe he was still sleeping. Leena was working on something on her laptop, when she screamed.

"Oh my god! Eve, come here!"

I jumped, I ran to her. "What?" She pointed, and when I looked at the screen, I covered my mouth.

It was a big news website of Helsinki, talking about the party yesterday. There was a massive article about Vile Hermanni Valo. Including a photo of me and him.

I made Leena translate everything. The biggest letters scared me to death. There was even a heart right beside our photo. I couldn't believe such a thing.

Leena looked at me and started reading. "The annual party of the WEA Records... Bla bla bla... Humm... The band HIM played three songs... Oh, wait, just listen. While playing, vocalist Ville Valo was attentively looking at a fixed point in the crowd. There was this mysterious Asian girl smiling at him, that later we found out it wasn't just a fan, but seems to be a very close friend of Valo."

I was stunned. Was it so obvious?

She continued. "They partied with others until the end." She stopped and showed me some photos. "Hum... Oh my god." My heart jumped. "What, Leena? Read it, for god's sake!"

"But the party didn't end for them. They even grabbed a coffee after hours, before they follow to the... Our favorite stranger's house."

My eyes were wide open. There was a photo of him entering our place.

"I can't believe this. They followed us everywhere!"

"Girl, you're dating the hottest rock star of Finland, get used to it. Maybe of the world. Look: Ville Valo's new romantic interest? Who's the girl mending his broken heart?"

I was stunned. What a hell. Is that why Seppo came to collect him? Maybe he already knew about it.

I got anxious and decided to call him. He didn't answer, but I tried to calm down. It was weird to see your life exposed like that but at least they didn't know who I was. Yet. And what about broken heart the article mentioned? What happened to Ville?

I just hoped my mom wouldn't check Helsinki's gossips.

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