155. Heal My Wounds With Grief

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Next morning Cédric went early to Eve's room. He got worried, he saw Ville with red, swollen eyes, looking very defeated. He was worn out, clearly didn't had sleep at all, it was obvious. Cédric had another doctor with him, but this time it wasn't for Eve.

"Good morning, Ville. This is doctor Gaiman."

Ville nodded. He was feeling down, his body and mind ached, as he cried all night trying to figure it out his next plans. He was losing grip, he was aware of that but he let himself feel it, tired of fighting.

"He's English, and he works here at the hospital." Cédric realized Ville was completely off, not paying attention. He asked Dr. Gaiman to wait outside a bit, so he could talk to Ville a second. He sat down by his side in the couch. Ville didn't looked away from Eve. Cédric felt sad for him, he saw how much love and devotion Ville had for Eve.

"Ville, did you get any sleep?"

"I'm not sure."

"Right. Listen Ville, Dr. Gaiman is a psychologist."

"Okay, how can he help Eve?"

"It's not for Eve, it's for you."

Ville slowly turned to Cédric. "Me? Why?"

"You're not fine and that's obvious, Ville. It's understandable, family needs support as well. Just have a talk with him. It may help you. Go have a breakfast and talk to him a bit, well, if you want of course."

"I won't leave her."

"I asked the security to take care of Ruby. She won't get inside the hospital anymore. And I'll be here with Eve, until Laura comes. Please, go eat something, get better, for Charlie. She will be sad to see her dad like this." Ville gulped. Cédric was right, he had to try better for Charlie. He almost laughed when he saw in Cédric's eyes how worried he was.

"What is it?"

"You, looking at me. I would never thought you would want to help me."

"Like I said before, it's just my job as a doctor." Cédric smiled, but he was really worried about Ville. He saw how fragile was his state, he was on a brink of collapse.

After giving it a thought, Ville did what he was told. He walked a bit in the garden with Dr. Gaiman, the sun was up and warm, Ville felt good with it. They sat on the café to have breakfast, and have an informal talk. He found easy to talk to Dr. Gaiman, but he had no courage to talk about his darkest thoughts from last night. Dr. Gaiman was telling his experience with people who came out of the coma. "It's so unlikely that happened again to Eve. You already know the feeling but it's not something you can get used to."

"That was really unfortunate, indeed." Ville didn't feel like talking much, but he liked to hear Dr. Gaiman. It calmed his nerves down a bit, he was feeling lonely, in a dark solitude. Being by himself, on his own thoughts, was never a problem to him. But since he had Eve in his life, he was always afraid to lose something. He would always fear for Eve and Charlie now, he had people to look after, and that was in his mind. He made an effort to talk a bit more with Dr. Gaiman, it was for them as well.

Eve's family came in the first hour, Charlie ran to see her mother. "Oh, mommy is still sleeping." She sounded frustrated.

Cédric smiled at her, patting in her head and messing her hair. "Did you had breakfast?"

"I did."

"Where's Ville?" Laura asked.

"I have to talk to you." Céd sounded a bit serious and Laura already worried, everybody was jumpy over anything.

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