33. Screamworks

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Note: isn't this photo of Ville sooo lovely? ^_^ Enjoy the chapter!

The restaurant was kinda fancy, but the good thing it had vegetarian options for Ville. He asked for a salad and a soup, he said he wasn't hungry. I didn't want to sound like I was monitoring his appetite, but I was, really. I joked with him. "Don't you want anything else? Remember, it's the record label who's paying for it."

He laughed. "I would ask for the spaghetti with pesto, seems good. But I don't think I'm that hungry."

"We can share it."

"Okay, then. What else do you want?"

"I want the salad as well. And still water."

Then I remembered I forget completely to call my mom. I must have look worried. "Everything alright, love?"

"Yes. I just had to call my mom today. But I can do it later. I just want to have a good dinner right now."

"Humm. It will be the first time you will talk to her after that conversation, right?"

"Yep. But never mind that."

"Just tell me if I can help with anything."

"Will do."

"Like... dancing."

"What?" I look at him puzzled.

"Look." He pointed somewhere in the restaurant and I turned around to see it. It was a dance floor. They actually had a dance floor on the restaurant.

"Oh gosh. Do you wanna dance?" I asked Ville, incredulous.

"Of course I want. It's playing Abba! Come on, kulta."

"Oh no. I don't think I want to."

Mige and Leena were already up. "Hey Eve, let's shake our skeleton a little! Come on!" Leena was grabbing my hand already. Burton was up to it, too. Linde just laughed. "I'll take pictures of you guys." The only thing he said and nobody insisted.

"Come, kulta. There's no way out of it."

When I realized, I was already there. Mige and Leena were dancing together, having real fun. Ville started to dance in a funny way with Burton and I burst into laugh. They both turned to me and made me join them. Rihanna was making everybody dance and I was surprised to see Ville lip sync to it. He got closer, holding me. "What? I am very versatile."

After a while, I was less shy and Ville's presence also helped. He danced close to me, pulling me to him many times. Maybe it was the aura of the place, the lights, the sudden heat. I felt him getting even closer, not caring if we were in public. He kissed me deeply, and it was hard to resist. The way he moved, his gaze, everything about him became so sexy I forgot we weren't alone. After a while I broke the kiss, and he went to my neck. "Ville?"

He looked at me, fire in his eyes. "Hum?"

I didn't say anything, I just smiled to him and he understood, backing up a little. "You make me lose my mind, you know?"

"I think we must get back to our table." I looked around. "Mige and Leena aren't here anymore, nor Burton. Our plates must have arrived."

"I'm hungry for another thing." He said in my ear, kissing my neck again.

"Ville, when you say these things, or look at me like that... I can barely control myself. Help me here."

"I don't care if you lose control. I've told you already, I actually love it when it happens." He then kissed my hand. "But let's keep going, then. We have a whole night ahead of us. In my bed." He grinned. "And we will be able to make a lot of noises."

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