183. Let it Rain

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"Hi, Eve." Alma called, probably to solve some issue from the coffee shop. I was ready to dismiss her, as my mental state didn't allow me to think about anything else than Ville, but she surprised me. "There's a person asking for you, and she was very, very insistent."

"Who is it?"

"Her name is Yara."

So it worked. For better or for worse, it worked. I ran to the coffee shop fastest I could. When I arrived, I rushed inside. "She's upstairs." Alma told me. I didn't dare to look around me, I knew the coffee shop was full of Ville's fans, I wouldn't have time for this now.

Yara always seemed like a very fragile woman. Small, thin, like she was about to break. Very much like... me. She immediately raised from the couch when I entered the office.

"Yara. Please, sit."

She sat down again, but seemed disturbed, almost regretting coming here and I couldn't let her feel like that. I sat on the couch, facing her but she wouldn't look at me. I didn't know what to expect. Surprisingly, she was the first one to talk and she was very straightforward. "I think you know why am I here. I saw you on the TV show."

"Okay. I'm all ears."

"But I don't even know what am I actually doing here."

"I wouldn't expect you to appear, but I'm so glad you did."

"You... Do you... Oh, god. I'm making a fool of myself, coming here, and talk to the woman who ruined our lives. Of course you've planned all that." Yara gasped.

I took a deep breath, I needed to stay calm. "Yara, I didn't. I wanted to send you a message yes. We need to solve some issues from the past. I know you understand about Arthur's actions more than anyone else. I'm not here to discuss it, he paid for it, didn't he? He's now a free man again."

"So what?"

"Did you talk to him?"

"No." She got up, walking nervously around the room. "He's... He's a monster. It doesn't matter if he paid already. This is only men's laws, it doesn't erase his past."

Yes, he is a monster. But I wasn't so sure why she said it, I could mention so many things. "Would you be willing to talk to him?"

"Why? Why me? Didn't he talk to the police? It won't be any different with me."

"It will. He doesn't want to have more trouble with the police. With you, I know it will be different."

"Like I said, he is a monster and I don't want to. I don't even know him anymore. His past is truly alive in my life."

"I know that. But still, he... he might still be the man you cared about." I had no idea what I was talking about. I had to believe she still saw something good in him. "If not for you, maybe for the children."

"They often ask about him. And I don't know what to do."

"Why don't you talk to him? At least, try. I know I might be asking too much from you."

"You have no jdea. I have to protect my family from him."

"He wouldn't harm you."

"You don't know that. You should know it."

"Yara, I-"

"The pictures. I will never forget what I saw."

"Pictures? What pictures?"

Yara covered her face in desperation. A chill ran down my spine when I saw her reaction. It was like a hole was opening beneath her, dragging her to hell. That reaction wasn't normal, the desperation, the panic. There was something I missed in this story.

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