131. We've Tried, We've Cried, We've Died

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I was sure Arthur had broken my jaw and my teeth, for the pain I was feeling was excruciating. I tasted the blood in my mouth, I was disoriented, my awareness of time and space was completely gone. I was afraid of looking up and let him hit me again.

I flinched when I felt someone pulling me, but it was a girl. She was one of my students.

I looked up and saw some people were holding Arthur, maybe three or four, as he was a big, angry man. He called me the worst names in Finnish, I understood most of them. He was calling me a whore in Finnish so nobody would understand him.

"Vous êtes bien, professeur ?" The girl asked me if I was alright, I nodded. "Ça va. Appellez la police." I could care about me later, now we had to arrest him. She replied they have called them already. I was in pain, but I was partially glad he lost control, he wouldn't escape now. More people were gathering, and he saw he didn't have a place to run, the University security arrived as well. People helped me to get up and pulled me away from him, I was a mess.

Fortunately the police didn't took long, the students and the University security were having trouble holding him down. My mouth was bleeding, my face hurt, I wasn't sure if he had punched or slapped me, I just knew it hurt like hell, it was a dreadful sensation. The police quickly arrested him, as people were telling what happened. Seeing him being handcuffed was a relief and also satisfactory. He looked at me one more time, mad as hell. I explained he had attacked me. The police told me I could go to the hospital first, but I had to end this and went down to the police station.

As I wasn't French, I thought it would be complicated at the police station, but it was simpler than I thought. At least I didn't have to see him there. I told them he attacked and threatened me, and I gave details about what happened in Finland as well. It took me a couple of hours, it was a bit quicker because I spoke in French, I had some help with an interpreter. Some students went there to testify what they had seen and I was grateful. He couldn't lie now.

A doctor examined me, to gather proof of the aggression. Luckily, I didn't have any broken tooth, but I felt some pain where he hit me, and my throat was terrible. They advised me to go to the hospital, and I was free to go. They would let me know what would happen to Arthur. On my way out, Céd was waiting for me. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard the news, this is all people were talking about at the Uni, Mr. Potts himself called me. I tried calling you."

"I didn't see it."

"You should have called me, how are you? Come, you need to see a doctor." He was examining my face.

"I don't want to."

"You have to, Eve."

"You're a doctor. Give me some very powerful painkiller and I'll be fine. Give me morphine, and make a strong dose so I wake up in a week." Céd looked alarmed when I said it. I was on the verge of breaking down, I just wanted some peace. I was shaking and edgy.

"Come, let's get you out of here."

He put me inside a taxi. "Can I suggest we go to my place? I have some medication there, as you don't want to go to the hospital now, maybe you'll be more comfortable." I agreed, I didn't want hospital now. I fell asleep on the taxi, as he gave me some pill for the pain on the way.

His home was cozy, better than the hotel, indeed. "A friend is coming. He will take a look at you."

"I've told you I didn't want."

"But you have to. Now, sit here." He pointed to the seat in the kitchen, that was tall. He grabbed a lantern and examined my eye. "You have to see a specialist, Ve. I'm just a cardiologist."

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