164. Love in Cold Blood

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"Happy birthday, love."

I woke up with Ville caressing my hair, and I slowly turned to him. "Good morning." He was looking at me so tenderly, it warmed my heart. Was I dreaming? Here I was, getting older, in the best possible way. I had the greatest family I could ever imagine. "I'll make you breakfast, and then I have to take you to a place."


"It's a surprise. I know you hate them, but I really don't want to spoil it."

"I like your surprises."

"Okay then. But first..." Ville buried his face on my neck and he was so sexy when his hair fell on his face, while he kissed me.

After a good start in my morning, I went to check Charlie and help her, while Ville did a huge breakfast for us. He exaggerated, but it had so many things I liked. "Happy birthday, mommy." Charlie kissed me and I held her tight. I heard a noise and Ville was taking a picture with my camera.

"Oh, I just woke up, that's not fair." And after our session my hair was messy.

"We're not taking many pictures lately, so I hope you don't mind. You're looking beautiful as always anyway." He put the camera over a book so we could take a picture all together. That was true, it's been a while we had those family pictures. I took Charlie's whenever I could, but all the time we spent away from each other felt like such a lost one, without portraits, nor sweet memories. Now we were taking it back.

I dressed Charlie and got myself ready to Ville's surprise. "How should I dress?" I asked him.

"Something comfortable. And maybe you'll want old clothes."

"Okay." I was clueless about where he was taking me and Charlie, she didn't know either, maybe he was afraid she would spoil the surprise. "Seppo will pick us here." For some reason I was nervous, and tried to find out. "Is it a place to eat?"

"Just wait and see." He chuckled. Seppo and Ville were talking in the front seat and they talked about some work issues. After Gas left, they had to sit and check contracts and all these kind of stuff. I could see the distress in Ville, but he was way calmer over this subject.

When I saw the entrance of the place I covered my mouth. Ville looked behind, smiling widely. "Yeah, we came here for the dog." It was an animal shelter, the one Benjamin told me about and I felt my heart race. I was as happy or even more excited than Charlie to get a dog. All my life I had dogs and it was a shame we didn't had one, but I worried if Ville would really adapt to it. "I hope we find one." Ville said and turned to Charlie. "We're gonna get a dog, dear."

She clapped her hands in excitement, trying to find some, peeking out of the window. "Where are they?"

"They must be inside." We heard some barking and she could barely wait I released her from her seat. Ville helped her, and someone came to talk to us. "Huomenta."

"Hi, my name is Ville and this is my wife Eve, this is Charlie. I called yesterday."

"Oh, sure. We spoke about the possible adoption. My name is Diana and I will help you. Do you want to know them?"

"Yes!" Charlie screamed so loud we all laugh. I motion for Seppo to join us and he came.

The place had several dogs inside their own places. See them locked up broke my heart, they all seemed so sweet and eager for human touch. "Don't touch them, dear. Not yet, okay?" Ville explained Charlie, although Diana told they were very calm and sweet.

"You've told me you have allergies to dogs."

"To almost everything." Ville joked. "My father recommended me to get a dog that doesn't have dry skin, because of the dander, so it would lesser the chances."

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