83. Tähdet, Tähdet

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One thing I loved about my city is there was always an open coffee shop somewhere, no matter what time. I was with my dad's car, I drove us to a place I knew well. Of course, I called Anna and Leo, saying I had some matters to solve. They knew well which one.

I sensed Ville's eyes on me while I drove, but I looked ahead. He was humming the radio's songs. It reminded when we went to the beach, in the very same car. The memory made me smile and I tried to conceal it, but I failed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Ah, I was remembering the day we went to the beach."

"Hum." He looked behind, at the backseat. I didn't dare look at him, but I knew he was smiling. He was thinking about the things we did in there. "That was a lovely day."

"Yes, a lot. Hum, we've arrived."

It was a bit full, the place really looked alive. It had its charming, it was modern and a bit hipster, but cute and fun, we could talk to each other. I found a place outside with a tiny sofa and a chair. I wondered what he would do.

He waited for me to chose the place, I sat on the sofa, and he followed. We squeezed into it, some things never change. It fitted only one person but he didn't mind being so close to me. It made me a bit nervous his closeness.

I asked for a coffee, he wanted just water. "If I have coffee now I won't sleep. I'm taking some pills and I can't afford to ruin it."

"Oh, right." I got a bit worried, his sleep is sacred to him.

He picked a cigarette, and he offered me his Marlboro light. "We smoke the same brand, I noticed."

"I quit, actually."

"Oh. I confess it was weird to see you smoking."

"Yeah, guess it was a rebel phase. It helped me a bit, to be less anxious. And it was a good excuse to escape people sometimes."

Ville giggled. "I know, I do that a lot. But it was a good call, you quitting."

"I miss it sometimes. Escape people, not smoking much." Ville laughed and he got a bit closer. I reached for his cigarette, I took it from his fingers, while he watched me attentively. His hands were shaking a bit. Was he blushing? I stained his cigarette with my lipstick, he smiled. And to think I started only because I missed him so badly. I watched the cigarette burn between his long fingers, he was wearing rings. It look good on him. He had his own style that no one could steal it from him, he was so genuine.

"But you didn't face five security guys to come here and talk about cigarettes."

"No, I did not."

"For a moment I thought you would knocked them all. I was trying to understand what was happening. I heard some noise and I thought I was hallucinating, hearing your voice."

"They didn't let me through, I had to find my way."

Ville laughed. "You're one of a kind, for sure." He was smiling so sweetly to me, it made me sigh. I lost myself in his eyes, and he realized it. He lifted his brow slightly and I snapped. I felt my whole body burn. I was nervous, my hands were sweating. Last time I saw him, at his folk's place, Ville seemed so fragile, insecure. Today, he wasn't that same Ville. He had again his self confidence, although he still had a sadness behind his eyes. "I didn't know you would be here, in my city."

"Wow, really?"

"I had no idea, I just found out days ago, while you were already here. So I decided to come tonight. And see you."

He looked down. "I... I didn't expect to see you again. I wanted to look for you when I arrived here, but our last encounter wasn't so good. I mean, it was, in some aspects." Ville covered his eyes, smiling, I knew he was thinking about what happened in his old bed. "But... the way we've said goodbye to each other wasn't promising."

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