72. Blinded By Fear

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"I hope you're not vegetarian, I forgot to ask Arthur." Yara said.

"I'm not, actually, I'm trying to be. My fiancé is so I'm used to not eating meat."

"Oh, tell me about him."

I told a short resume of Ville, he having a band but they knew about it already.

"How is it, Eve? Date someone who's not from science, like us? And being from such a different world?" Arthur asked. I sensed his arrogance, as if scientists were a superior kind of people.

"Well, it's not complicated. He just has a crazy routine, but we manage. Sorry I didn't ask, what do you do, Yara?"

"At the moment, anything. I was studying, but I met Arthur, and I stopped a bit. I was his student, he was also my thesis advisor." She giggled.

I shivered with the information. Wasn't that forbidden? Maybe that's why she quit. That was only getting weirder, I didn't even know what to say. I sensed Arthur's eyes on me, watching my reaction. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

They asked me about my country, where I learned to speak English so well, and general things like that. Me and Yara had some points in common, being brought up by Japanese fathers. They seemed a nice couple but I didn't feel comfortable at any moment. I wish I had an excuse to leave soon, like "I have to feed Ville's dog". I almost laugh thinking of it. I wish we had a dog. I distracted myself thinking of its name. Maybe "Poe" would be a good one. I took a mental note to tell him that later.

We still had dessert, god. It wasn't boring, but I felt like I was having dinner with Hannibal Lecter and I knew he was about to eat my brain. We spoke a bit about my research and Yara said it was interesting and talked about her own, that she would return to her studies as soon as possible. I didn't even want to know why she stopped, so I didn't ask. I sensed it wasn't for a good reason.

"Well, it was a lovely night but I must get going. Thank you everything."

"I'll drive you home."

"Don't bother, I'll call a taxi. Actually, I can ask the security company guys to drive me home."

"Are you sure?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, absolutely."

"Come visit me, Eve. Whenever you want." Yara said, giving me a hug.

"Sure. Thank you for everything, it was delicious."

"I'll take you outside." Arthur said.

"Thank you for the dinner, professor." I said, by the door.

"Please, just call me Arthur. I'm glad you enjoyed the night. If you need any help, just give me a call. Here's my number." He gave me his card.

"Alright. I can send an e-mail as well."

"See you Monday, Eve."

I nodded and extended my hand to him. "Good night." I said flatly and almost ran to the car. "Hey, can you give me a ride back home?"

I was relieved to be home. Maybe it was all on my head, but it was weird. I wanted to shake off that feeling and went for a bath. My cellphone rang and it was Ville. I quickly jumped out of the bathtub, wrapping myself on a towel.

"Moi, Ville."

"Ei, love. How are you? Busy?"

"No, I was enjoying your bathtub."

"Hum, what a sight."

"And how are you?"

"Bit tired. We just arrived in Denver, we're gonna play today and tomorrow. I actually I'm a bit late to sound check, but I did want to check on you first."

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