43. In the Nightside of Eden

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It was so early I didn't want to wake up, but I had to do the damn blood test today. I was without eating because of it, I would kill for a coffee. I asked Ville to eat something while I prepared myself, he didn't want to, stubborn as he is. "I'm gonna take you to a wonderful coffee shop later. I can wait until you finish your exam. It's going to be fast."

We were a bit groggy, almost sleeping in the cab. I opened my eyes just when we passed near the Victory Column, I smiled and glanced at Ville. He had his sunglasses on, probably sleeping. I caressed his face. "We are almost there, Ville."

"Sorry love, I slept. Oh, look. It's our place." He removed his sunglasses, rubbing his eyes. "You know, we must have a place that is ours, ours alone, in every city we go."

"I agree. Berlin is easy, Siegessäule it is."

"Let me take notes." Ville took the notebook I gave him from his backpack and started to write down. "I don't know how to write this name. You're the one who speaks German, here." He giggled. I wrote it down for him. We arrived at the doctor's office, he had the notebook in his hand, pen in his mouth, thinking. "What about Paris?"

"I think we can visit there again and think about it. But for now... We can elect le musée d'Orsay."

"I agree. You're the one who speaks French, here." He let out that funny giggle, giving me the notebook again.

"What about Helsinki?" I asked him, but I already knew the answer. He made a face, outraged. "How dare you ask me that? Of course it's our coffee shop!"

"I know, I was joking to see your reaction." He laughed and kissed me. "Oh, come on, I'm a bit late." I glanced at the watch.

Fortunately, everything was quite fast. I could pick the results on the internet in a few days, and bring it to the doctor. If we weren't in Berlin, he would try an appointment via Skype.

I was starving, Ville as well. I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous while we were walking, Ville held me. "Kulta, are you okay? What are you feeling?"

"Ops, I'm sorry. I lost balance, I think I need to eat a bit."

"You're shaking. I'm gonna take you back to the doctor."

"No! Let's eat. I'm sure it's just that. You said it's nearby."

"It is. Are you sure? I'm worried."

"Come, if I fell flat on the ground than you can take me to a hospital." I laughed and he looked at me serious. "I don't think it's funny. I'm worried."

"Oh Ville, don't be. Come on, let's have Frühstück."

"Let's have what?" He looked at me in a funny way.

"Breakfast." I laughed and managed to make him smile a bit. He took me to a charming coffee shop, a bit fancy. They had lots of options of teas, coffees and cakes. I was a cake girl, so I wanted to try everything.

"They have this thing that looks like a tower, they have different types of cakes and stuff. I'm gonna ask one of those for us. What do you want to drink? Oh, actually, you can order our... frus... Whatever you've said." He giggled.

"Okay, I'm gonna spend my German."

I ordered some coffee in French press, and the tower Ville told me. It was stunning and looked enormous. Ville looked like a child choosing what he was going to eat. The lady warned me the ones that had milk on it that Ville couldn't eat.

"Oh god, this is delicious. Or maybe I'm so hungry everything is so good."

"I like this place a lot. Everything is really yummy. The cool thing about you is that we are getting to know many coffee shops. With my friends we would only hit pubs and bars. Coffee shops are cooler." He giggled. "Actually, everything is cooler with you." I kissed him. I love that he would always sit by my side wherever we were.

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