103. All is Lost in this War

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"Is this your home?" Eve asked, looking out the window.

"It's our home, kulta." Ville saw her hands were shaking. Actually, his were as well. "I'm here, love. If you feel overwhelmed, or anything, I'm here."

Eve closed her eyes and didn't move, when Seppo pulled the car. Ville got worried. "I understand you're nervous. Take your time."

Eve got out of the car, holding her crane. She glanced at the big house, she didn't recognize it at all. It was a beautiful place, outside there was a garden, she smiled, it was a peaceful place. But she was afraid of entering it. Seppo grabbed her stuff and went ahead, Ville nodded.

"We don't have a dog, right? Are you... Allergic?"

"Yes. You remember. And that's why we don't, unfortunately. I know you love them." Ville smiled.

"You loved Sami so much it was too painful when you lost him. You missed class for a week because you got sick, so sad you were."

Ville nodded. That part was true, but Eve knew the story, but he was impressed the way she told it, every time. It was like she was really there with him, living that moment. Her eyes were even teary. "You were so sad. You cried a lot."

"It was truly sad, I didn't understand much about death. I wish I had you, for real. I'm sure you helped me to get better." Ville caressed her hair.

"Do we live together a while?"

"Yes. I asked you to move in with me. You resist a bit, but eventually you came. I just had to wake up everyday and see you in the morning." Ville said and Eve smiled. "We used to live in the tower. This house is new, a bit more than a year."


"Yeah, I'll show you one day."

"You had a small apartment. It was always a mess. Bottles and cans all over."

Ville giggled. "Yeah, I had a small place and it was a mess, indeed. Were we living together?"

"No. But I slept at your place sometimes. It was funny. We shared the bed since we were kids and it wasn't weird. One of your girlfriends caught me in your bed once and made a scandal. I get it, I would find weird as well. But sometimes we would crash at your apartment after some gig or because we drank too much. Sometimes you slept at home, but my mom put you on the couch when we were teens. She was always suspicious of us."

"Sounds like something Laura would do." Ville saw in Eve's eyes, she wasn't happy. It wasn't just the anxiety, and that broke his heart. He didn't know what was going on inside her head, if she was struggling with something. He just waited for her to decide what to do.

"Okay. Let's go inside." Eve sighed heavily, not knowing what was awaiting for her. A whole new world.

Ville held her arm, they walked slowly. He opened the door for her, she looked around, only Seppo was there. "Wow, it's really big. And beautiful."

"You chose most of the things."

Eve didn't seem so curious, though. "Where are they?" Ville asked Seppo.

"Anita and Marie are in Charlie's room."

"Wanna go there, love?"

"I don't know." Eve's voice tremble. "I don't think I can do this." Eve almost turned around, Ville held her.

"Of course you can. I know it's... Actually I don't know, but I understand it must be so confusing. Look, here are some of our pictures together."

She looked at them. It had one in Paris, when Ville proposed to Eve. "This day I asked you to be my wife."

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