98. Dreaming Inside a Dream

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"What happens when she's in this state? Does she... Dream?" Ville asked the doctor.

"It is know that patients do dream. Some have very real, lucid dreams, some have weird experiences. I had a patient that came out from the coma thinking he was Elvis. He dreamt during his coma he was him, and he turned out to be an Elvis impersonator when he woke up."

Ville looked incredulous. "You mean it?"

"Yes." They chuckled.

"Oh, my. I hope it doesn't happen to her. Well, I don't care, as long as she wakes up soon, she can be an Elvis impersonator as well." Ville sighed.

"Actually, her lungs condition are improving a lot. Soon we will try to remove the tubes from her."

"Really?" Ville's eyes widened. "This is good news. This means she's improving in general, right?"

"Yes, of course."

Ville's heart filled with hope. He was waiting outside, while Laura was with Eve. He was anxious to say good morning to her.

"It's a good thing she's always surrounded by the ones she loves as well. This is not scientific proven, but we know patients have better outcomes when this kind of thing happens. There is a lot we can't explain yet, we simply know."

Laura came out, her eyes red from crying. Ville smiled weakly to her. "She's all yours. She doesn't want to talk to me." Laura said and Ville gave her a crooked smile. "I'll try."

Ville entered the room. "Morning, Monica."

"Oh, good morning Mr. Valo."

"How's my girl today?"

Monica opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, because Eve looked like just the same. "The doctors are saying her lungs are really better."

"Yeah, I've heard. Soon enough she'll get out of here." Monica smiled. She was never tired to see how much Ville was dedicated to Eve. "Huomenta, kulta." Ville kissed the top of her head and held her hand. "You have to wake up, and have a cup of coffee with me. I'll buy lots of them for you to try at home. Charlie is doing great. She's getting stronger, she is just like you. She's a little fighter. You both are growing stronger, the doctors are saying your lungs are better. Hers as well." Ville caressed her hair. Eve looked peaceful, beyond the tubes.

This routine lasted for the week. More fans were gathering outside, the hospital tried to make them go away, Ville went there to interfere. Now things were different. It was known to the public what really happened to Eve and the case took huge proportions. Journalists all over the world wanted an interview. Officer Thomas explained to Ville he was going to do a press conference, and Ville could join if he wanted.

"I want to. I own this to everyone who's waiting for Eve and Charlie's recovery."

"Just don't need to give details." Thomas advised him.

The press conference happened in the hospital, in a big room only for press. Seppo was with Ville all the time. Thomas spoke first, he basically explained the case, and how they were addressing it, of course, without giving in details.

Ville was ready, he would answer questions but mainly he wanted to thank the support. He spoke in English, as it was an international press conference. He was used to it, but he never thought he would speak of such a dark and sad subject.

"Good evening. First of all, thank you all for coming. I wanted to thank everyone who's helping, who's supporting us somehow." Ville gave a crooked smile. "There's a bunch of dedicated fans outside in this Finnish winter, and I know people are helping them as well, so I really want to thank you all for this support. It means a lot. Eve would be so glad about it, actually I tell her that everyday. I appreciate it, really. Our fans were always dedicated people, but this is something else. The love you show towards us really helps us to be on our feet. I speak for Eve's family and friends as well. Really, thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart."

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