28. Prelude to Tragedy

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Ville called around 8 pm. I was reading a little and almost falling asleep. "I'm sorry it's a bit late, love. But I was trapped here. Would you mind coming here in the studio? We can grab something to dinner and then I will come back to continue the rehearsal."

"Really? Aren't you tired?"

"Nope. Not yet. I'll just have a quick thing and then we will continue. So, what do you say?"

I agreed, and he gave me the address. After a minute or so, I received a message from Seppo. He said it was better that I would go there and get Ville out of the studio for a second, otherwise he wouldn't eat anything. He was so focused he didn't stop to eat anything. I hurried up, called a cab and went there as quickly as possible.

When I arrived, a guy lead the way and I heard them playing. It was "Funeral of Hearts", it made my heart race. I remembered the night I saw him singing for the first time.

I saw them behind a glass, he was singing with his eyes closed, so he didn't see me. They sounded incredible.

"Good evening, Eve!" It was Seppo. He was sitting next to the mixing table. "Seppo! I didn't see you there, I'm sorry."

"Of course, when you spot Ville, you just have eyes for him." He and other two guys laughed. It was true. "So, you better get him out of here, otherwise he will rehearse to death. I think everyone is excited about it and they aren't tired, apparently."

It was so good to hear them. It was very different from the cd, they had even more energy. When the song finished, they looked at our direction. Ville waved, with a wide smile and motioned to me go inside. Seppo nodded. "Just go."

"Kulta! I'm so glad you're here." He kissed me and them I hugged him. I missed him so much already. We burst into laugh when Linde and Mige started playing "Is This Love" from Whitesnake. Ville looked at them seriously and grabbed the mic. He started to actual sing it. I think he could sing anything he wanted, he had an extended vocal range and a feeling that was spectacular. Gas entered the joke and hammered the drums. After the first chorus they stopped, laughing.

"Hey, that would be a great cover!" Linde exclaimed.

"See, kulta, you inspire all of us." Ville held me, kissing my forehead.

"That's nice, but I came here to rescue you guys. Shall we eat something?"

"Thank god!" Burton said in relief. Now I could see they were a bit worn out.

"There's a good restaurant across the street. Let's go there. Seppo, are you coming?" Ville asked him. Seppo nodded and picked some papers. Probably they would talk business while eating.

It was damn freezing outside, we almost froze to death just to cross the street. The owner already knew the guys, he came to greet and offered us a table.

He spoked something in Finnish and there was a brief silence, and everybody was looking at each other. Ville then replied to the owner and turned to me. "What do you want to drink, kulta?"

"I'd like a Coke. And you gotta help me with this menu." It was all in Finnish.
He smiled and translated to me. Then I realized everybody was having non alcoholic beverages and I understood the silence. Everybody was being careful about Ville.

I knew something was bothering him. Sometimes he could be very transparent. "Guys, let me say something. It's not because I just left rehab you can't drink around me. I'm not a crazy addicted, okay? If I don't feel like drinking, I won't. But be my guest, it does not affect me."

"We're rehearsing, I prefer not today." Mige said and the others nodded.

"Alright then. I don't want this to be a touchy subject, that's about it." Ville was a bit discomfort, I could tell.

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