152. Watch Me Fall For You

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The day finally came, the day of my surgery. I woke up feeling an incredible loneliness, and it wasn't because the room was empty.

I felt I had nothing inside my chest. I had a beating heart, but I didn't felt anything. Sometimes I was fool enough to think why go on with all this, but I quickly remembered my little one that I loved so much, and was giggling in the other room.

Charlie, my mom and Ville were waiting for me for breakfast. That would be the last one with them, at least for a while. Ville barely looked at me, when I sat. We didn't talk much since our last night together. I could see dark circles around his eyes, like he wasn't sleeping in a while. Maybe he wasn't.

They made a big breakfast for me, and that got me emotional, it had everything I liked and I laughed. "This is so huge." Ville raised his head when he heard my laugh. But the best part of it was to see Nick and my father entering the apartment. They were emotional, my dad would never show, but Nick did. He squeezed me and was gutted.

I looked around the table and couldn't help, I started crying. "Mommy, are you hurt?"

"I'm just happy, dear. To have you all here with me."

"Because you love us?"

Everybody chuckled. "Yes, dear. I love you all, very much." I reluctantly looked at Ville, he didn't raise his head. His face was red, and he abruptly got out of the table. Everybody got quiet, and I distracted Charlie before she could ask questions.

I was checking my luggage, Nick was helping me while we were catching up. "Ville is extremely low and worried." He said, waiting for my response.

"Well... We are not having our best days."

"But you do love him still, don't you? And don't give me that he's the father of your child thing."

"I don't want to talk about this now."

"I doubt you will ever want to, but-"

"Nick, please."

"Okay." Nick shrugged.

"You have to promise me something, and please don't make a fuss." I said to him.

"What is it?"

"Promise me you'll look after Charlie if something happens to me."

Nick shook his head. "What are you saying, Eve?"

"You've heard me. I know she has Ville, but promise me she will also have your support. I know I can count on you. Only you, not George. You're here, he's not."

"You know I would take care of Charlie anyway, but for god's sake, you'll be just fine! Mom explained your surgery to me. Don't think about that, don't be silly, please."

"Promise me."

"Of course, I promise. But let's stay positive, don't think about bad things, do you hear me?" He held me tight, and got bothered. He excused himself from the room, and I checked if I wasn't forgetting anything. I heard a knock and turned around.

"Do you need help?" Ville was by the door.

"I guess I have everything ready, thanks."

"I'll take the luggage for you." I nodded and he picked it for me. He was making his way out of the room, I was following him, but he stopped and turned to me. "I just want to say..."

Ville was struggling with his words. "Yes, Ville?"

"Nevermind. Let's get going."

"Tell me." I held his arm, gently. He froze, looking at my hand.

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