Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 Probably my blood is too bad to drink.

There seemed to be something wrong with Lavelle, his breathing became more and more heavy, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

That sentence just now obviously didn't want him to be here. Wen Chu stood there watching him for a while, and left before the man yelled a second time.

Lavelle is a nobleman, so there will never be any danger here. On the contrary, if he sees or knows something he shouldn't know, he may die a miserable death.

Wen Chu walked back along the way when he first came, and when he returned to the corridor again, he saw a light shining through the darkness at a glance.

He leaned on the wall and walked slowly. When he was about to arrive, the iron door opened a little, and a head poked out from the crack.

After meeting Wen Chu's eyes, the man's eyes lit up, he pushed open the door and quickly ran over to him, wrapping his hands around Wen Chu's injured neck very accurately.

"Lin Yu, where did you go? You won't find anyone when you wake up."

This is the person who lives in the same room as Wen Chu, number 1044, and his real name is Qiao Shi.

The humans who live here don't like the numbers the vampires give them, so they still call each other by their names in private.

Wen Chugang was sucked a lot of blood, and the man wrapped around his wound, shaking his body unbalanced.

Qiao Shi didn't hear the reply, and sensed something was wrong, so he immediately let go of his hand and pulled Wen Chu into the room.

Wen Chu's current state really doesn't look good, his face is extremely pale, without a trace of blood. There were knuckle-shaped bruises and slightly bloody red marks on her fair neck.

Qiao Shi quickly thought of the reason, clenched his fingers slightly, and frowned tightly: "Who... was bitten?"

Wen Chu met the worried and angry eyes of this man, and smiled at him: "It's okay. "

How can this be all right!" Qiao Shi still frowned, turned around and was about to walk towards the iron gate, "I'll go find the old man to get you medicine."

Wen Chu stretched out his hand to hold him: "We are not allowed to walk around at night, let's forget it. Just rest for a night."

Qiao Shi stopped, stood there hesitating for a long time, and then refused Reluctantly sat on Wenchu's bed, and lay down with a bitter face: "What about the ghost who sucked your blood? Didn't he arrange a room or give you something to eat?" If a nobleman likes the blood of a certain human

, , will directly pull people out of this "cage" where they live together, and arrange a separate room not very far from themselves, so that they can suck blood next time, and at the same time give them some nutritious food supplements.

Thinking of Lavelle's appearance just now, Wen Chu also sighed, and slowly lay down on the bed: "Probably because my blood is too bad to drink." "

Then I should give some food!" Qiao Shi said indignantly, "They all Don't treat us as human beings!"

Wen Chu laughed, judging from these numbers, places of residence, and experiences in memory, vampires only regard them as "food" or "livestock", and it doesn't matter where they go human rights.

Qiao Shi also realized this, snorted angrily, turned over, leaned over, put one arm on Wen Chu's chest, shut his mouth and didn't speak.

Wen Chu stretched out his hand and lightly touched the bitten place on his neck, and there was a sharp pain.

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