Chapter 100

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Chapter 100 You, you, why do you have girls in your family!

When Wen Chu regained consciousness, he was lying on the bed. He turned his head and looked out the window. The sky was bright, and the light shone into the room through the white window screen. He covered his eyes with his small arms.

Everything happened yesterday was caught off guard, he was not mentally prepared at all, his consciousness was stripped away bit by bit, and he had no idea what happened afterwards.

The feeling of being sucked blood is very strange, it is not the same as the tingling and dizziness when drawing blood, instead the brain will generate a little excitement, the consciousness seems to be floating in a haze, jumping up and down, Wen Chu can't figure out why.

He sat up, his eyes darkened, Wen Chu slowed down for a while, then slowly got out of bed and left the room.

There was no one in the living room, but the dining table was full of steaming food.

Wen Chu walked over, took a few bites of the baked bread, and looked at the clock hanging in the living room, it was past nine o'clock.

He sighed, originally thinking of getting up early and going to the base with Lavelle, but now he probably left long ago. He simply sat on the chair and concentrated on eating. Just as he took a sip of the warm milk, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

Lavelle came out of the room, already changed into the clothes he wore when he came out from the vampire, with a washed cloak on his arm.

"You...are you back, or haven't you?" Wen Chu asked.

"Ready to go," Ravel said.

Wen Chu immediately put down the milk in his hand, looked at Lavelle, and said eagerly, "I want to go too." "What are you going to do?" "


and see what the base looks like," Wen Chu said, "I'm curious.

" Weier met Wen Chu's gaze, and twisted the hand holding the cloak subconsciously: "Go after dinner."

Wen Chu's eyes lit up, and he turned around and stuffed the bread into his mouth for fear of wasting time. What the eyes see is stuffed. Because he ate too fast and accidentally choked, he fed a large glass of milk into his stomach, and then managed to slow down a little, and his face was also a little red.

Lavelle has been standing by the door frame without moving. Seeing Wen Chu choking from the corner of his eye, he frowned and said, "Go at half past ten."

Wen Chu looked at the clock again. Min: "I can finish eating soon, so I don't need to waste so much time."

Lavelle put his long cloak on one side casually, walked to the dining table, picked up the kettle on the side and poured a cup into a clean cup Wen Shui pushed it in front of Wen Chu: "They're delayed by something, come pick me up at 10:30."

After finishing all this, before Wen Chu could speak, he left and walked into the room.

Wen Chu turned around and watched Lavelle return to the study room just now.

This time there was enough time, Wen Chu ate slowly, but his stomach was so big, he was full within a few mouthfuls. Looking at the large pile of food left, he sighed, forced himself to fill his stomach with two more pieces of beef, then stood up, went to the closed door of the study and knocked.

The door was quickly opened.

"I've finished eating," he pointed at the dining table, "but there's still a lot left, isn't it a bit of a waste?"

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