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Y/n felt a little unhappy at this moment.

Coming here is to give Wonyoung face, otherwise, as the young master of the Lim family, her status is beyond the Jang family. What qualifications do they have to let her come?

Wonyohng was also a little angry at this time and said: “Dongyoo, you can disbelieve some things, but you can't disrespect them!”

Dongyoo snorted coldly: “Respect? I only respect those masters who have real talents and learning. As for swindlers, they don't deserve Dongyoo's respect!”

After that, he pointed to the Old Master next to him, and proudly introduced: “This is Lee Kyungyu and his granddaughter, the most famous doctor in Wrestvel.”

Y/n looked up and was taken aback

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Y/n looked up and was taken aback.

These two people are one old and one young, and they look like grandparents.

But their clothes are obviously different from others.

The Old Master is over sixty years old, wearing a green bamboo cloth robe, a pair of old-fashioned black-framed reading glasses, and a long Wang beard. His eyes are gleaming.

The girl standing next to him, about eighteen or nineteen years old, was wearing a loose student cheongsam, with a ponytail hair, bright eyes and Wang teeth, and she exuded a cold and classical atmosphere.

The girl standing next to him, about eighteen or nineteen years old, was wearing a loose student cheongsam, with a ponytail hair, bright eyes and Wang teeth, and she exuded a cold and classical atmosphere

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:I can't find Hyunseo's photo in a uniform so yea:).

However, the appearance of this girl made Y/n pay more attention, because in Wrestvel City, her appearance was comparable to Karina, the “first beauty”, and she hadn’t seen a few.

Compared to Karina, the girl’s eyes were sharper, and she was vaguely look serious, and she didn’t look close.

Seeing Y/n looking over, Kyungyu nodded faintly, but the girl was extremely cold and didn’t look at all.

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