Night # 13 The Diary Part 2

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This next chilling tale is a continuation of The Diary.

As Christina drew her last breath the car started to slow down from her foot leaving the gas pedal. The man with many voices hopped over the back seat and stopped the car. He quickly retrieved her body and took it back to her house. He decided to store her body in the basement for now and deal with it later. He went upstairs into the attic to grab something very valuable to him. It was his diary. He had it hidden in a very special place in the attic. He went into the kitchen and sat at the table. He opened his diary and began to read what he had written.

October 30th, 2016

Tonight the medium came to my house. I want to speak to my wife so bad and I miss her so much. She died just six months ago and I tried to live without her but I just can't. Tonight I will speak to her for the first time since she died. The medium asked me if I was ready and I said yes. We closed our eyes and she began to call for my wife. When I heard my wife's voice a tear rolled down my cheek. It sounded exactly like her. She told me that everything would be okay but I would have to give them something in exchange for being able to talk to her. I had no idea what she was talking about but she said that the voices would explain everything. She told me she had to go for now but that I would be able to talk to her again soon. That night as I started to fall asleep I heard the first voice and it said, "There is a new family moving in next door and I want you to kill them.

To be continued...

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