Night 185 Down The Dark Hill

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This next chilling tale is about a dare that turns into one scary night.

I was walking with my friends when we came to this very dark hill in the middle of nowhere. My friends all trying to be macho decided to walk down it. I know you are thinking," What's the big deal about walking down a dark hill, but you had to see it to understand why it was so scary." It was a very steep hill, first of all. Secondly, you could not see anything. It was like being blindfolded. 

My friends being jerks, made me go first. I wanted to chicken out but my pride would not let me. I walked very slowly as I felt the wind hitting my neck and goosebumps began to cover me. I could hear the whistling in the trees but nothing else. It was so eerie. I could tell I wasn't alone in being scared. I could hear my friends breathing heavier behind me.

We were almost halfway down the hill when I stopped dead in my tracks. I was beginning to feel the darkness wrap itself around us like a tight scarf. My friends and I were all shivering as it felt like the temperature had dropped drastically. We all agreed that despite our pride we were turning around and going home. Something felt very wrong about this hill and we could not ignore it any longer.

We turned around quickly walking back up the hill when we began to hear something out of the darkness at the bottom of the hill. Our hearts began to race and no longer could we settle for walking. We took off running. I noticed as we were beginning to run up the hill not only could I hear the sound getting louder but I could also feel the wind blowing harder. Whatever was at the bottom of the hill the weather seemed to be responding to.

My friends began to utter the words that I did not want to think about. "We do not seem to be getting any closer to the top of the hill." I could not bear to think about it but I knew they were right. We not only appeared to not be any closer to the top of it but we appeared to be closer to the bottom of it. How was that possible?

I felt complete fear as I concentrated on the movement of my feet and noticed that my feet seemed to be moving backward. I think my friends were picking up on it as well because we each screamed in fear. I do not know why but I looked back for the first time since we had headed back up the hill. I started pushing my friends to run faster when I saw what was at the bottom of the hill.

The road itself seemed to be going further into the darkness along with the trees and bushes beside it. I could hear what sounded like the trees and bushes being shredded. My friends and I knew we were in trouble when we were lifted up off our feet and drug down the hill. I saw the beast at the bottom of the hill just before I passed out. No one will believe us but we all know what we saw. I do not know how we survived or why but I am warning you all. Never go down that dark hill because if you do and live to tell about it you will never be the same. Trust me because I will never be the same. My friends and I are all afraid of the dark now.

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