Night # 109 Death Comes Around Part Seven

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After Leann read the article she began to weep as she grabbed the photo of her parents on their wedding anniversary. She had always believed that her parents were greatest and now she had to question that. Inside the box, there was one last item that had been kept by the family and it let her know that her parents were involved somehow. She had remembered it as a child.

Leann could not understand why the family had kept the item instead of turning it over to the authorities. Revenge was the only reason she could think of. The lights suddenly started flickering and soon Leann was immersed in total darkness. She grabbed a flashlight out of her desk and began to hear the front door creaking open.

Leann's heart raced as she saw shadows begin to develop in the hallway. She called out asking who was there but received no response. After waiting for a few seconds she slowly pointed her flashlight toward the hallway and entered it. Upon entering the hallway she began to hear voices coming from inside the hallway closet. 

She shuddered as she opened the closet door. She looked around the closet thoroughly and was just about to step out of it when the door slammed shut on her. She tried to open the door but it was as if something were against it. For a few minutes, she was trapped in the closet but then the power came back on and the door opened on its own.

Once Leann was out of the closet her television came to life. On the screen, they were covering a news story about three people involved in a deadly car accident. As they showed the pictures of the three victims Leann felt more scared than ever. It was a picture of the girl from the article as well as her brothers. 

Leann tried to comprehend what she was seeing when the phone began to ring. An eerie set of voices let her know that they were in her house earlier and that they would be back soon. They also let her know that they had something to show her first. Leann stood there shocked as the phone call ended. She began to get extremely drowsy and had to lay down on her living room couch. Soon Leann was dreaming about her parents on their honeymoon and her eyes fluttered as the realization of who her parents really were flooded over her.

To be continued...

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