Night # 139 Having Deja Vu

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This next chilling tale is about a young man who is experiencing deja vu in a very creepy way.

Timothy was once again having trouble sleeping. For the past week, it seemed like deja vu. At exactly midnight everything in the house would go out for some strange reason. What really bothered Timothy was the silence. He stepped outside on his porch and noticed it was just as eerily silent as inside the house.

What was it about midnight that made everything go silent? He stepped back inside and experienced a sudden chill. Something suddenly felt different about tonight. Timothy jumped as he began to hear the silence turn into a bone-chilling panic from the wildlife in the neighborhood. His dog began to whimper outside. He stepped outside once again and this time something felt bad wrong.

He could hear something other than the wildlife in the distance and it scared him. He could see the trees begin to sway violently as if a storm was approaching but the weather was calm. As something approached in the darkness he could hear the cries of the animals. He knew something was approaching fast and he ran inside. 

He felt everything around him shake as he cowered in a corner. He watched the walls be torn to pieces. What stood before him was scarier than anything he had ever seen on tv. It looked him in the eyes as it took his head off with one swing. No one knows where it came from. All anyone knows is that those who see it do not live to tell about it. 

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