Night # 187 Full Tank of Gas

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This next chilling tale is about things not going as planned.

I was taking a trip to see my sister over the weekend. I stopped at a convenience store before getting on the interstate to fill my gas tank up. When I left the station I was sitting just slightly above the full mark. I drove onto the ramp for the interstate thinking about how far I could get before I would have to stop again.

I turned on the radio to entertain myself during the long drive. I listened to some music as I thought about how nice it would be to see my sister again. It had been nearly a year since I had seen her last. My eyes focused on the road but I glanced down at my gas gauge and noticed something not being right.

I had just filled up my tank and already it was down one-quarter of a tank. How could that be? I drove another thirty miles glancing down at my gauge and this time it dropped down to between a half tank and a quarter of a tank. I decided to stop at the next rest stop and take a look at it.

I stopped in the parking lot and as soon as I got out I noticed a puddle leading up to where I had parked. I went into the restroom before I called for a tow truck to come to get my car. I cringed as I walked in. The restroom was a complete mess. I tried my best to keep my composure as I used the restroom. As I was walking out I noticed something scrawled on one of the stall doors. "You should have spent the weekend with me. " When I walked outside my ex-girlfriend was sitting in my car waiting for me. 

I could not believe she had waited a year to come after me and now I knew what was wrong with my car. I took off running as she drove the car behind me. She was honking the horn taunting me. I thought for sure she was going to run me over but suddenly she stopped the car. I heard another voice coming from the vehicle as she shut it off." I bet you didn't expect to see me either."

I knew I was in trouble as my girlfriend stepped out of the passenger side of the car. "How do you want to do this, Claire? Let's make sure it is a slow painful death." I took off running for my life but somehow I knew that they meant what they said and when they caught me it would be a slow painful death.

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