Night # 24 West Door

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I see you have chosen the west door. Let us see what happens to you, shall we? As you open the door and close it behind you it locks. You slowly walk forward with fear settling in your mind, but you know there is no turning back now. As you continue to walk you notice the floor beneath you begin to shift. You are no longer walking and you are being transported.You begin to scream as you are transported into a room that is only lit by a tiny sliver of light. You feel your way around the room but you cannot find an exit and on top of that you feel something on what you presume to be the wall. You hold your hand up into the tiny sliver of light and scream several times when you see what appears to be blood on your hand. As you begin to panic you hear chains scraping the floor outside the room and the sound is getting closer and closer. Your only comfort is the room being shut off, but your comfort quickly fades as a door comes up from the floor and begins to open. As you completely become hysterical the walls begin to shift and there is an opening in front of you. You take a few steps through the opening but as you do you feel two hands grab your shoulders and pull you back into the room.

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