Night # 148 Reaching Up

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This next chilling tale is about a young girl who has a creepy encounter.

Rashelle was coming home from the library one night and as she entered her house wished she had left a light on. She did not expect to be so late coming home. She slowly made her way to her ceiling fan to pull the string for the light when she felt a very cold hand touch hers. She jerked the light on out of fright. 

She looked all around the room but could not figure out what had been touching her hand. She calmed her nerves and then went to get some sleep because she had some early classes she had to attend the next day. She went to turn her bedroom light off and as she started to pull her hand off of the switch once again she felt a very cold hand touch hers. She turned her light on but no one was there.

She spent the night with the light on, she was too creeped out to sleep in the dark. When she finally fell asleep she had a vivid nightmare. She saw herself turning the light on in her living room and it scared the hell out of her because there was a hand other than hers that appeared. What was happening to her?

Before she went to classes, Rashelle went to a local coffee house to read and drink coffee. As a man brushed by her his hand hit hers and he apologized. That night when Rashelle went home she suddenly had a bad feeling. She thought about what had happened earlier and how cold the man's hand felt to her. She started to leave but a cold hand stopped her.

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