Night # 50 Broken Taillight

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This next chilling tale is about a young female police officer who pulls someone over and finds out just how dangerous the job really is.

Bethany had only been on duty for a month as a police officer. One night as she was patrolling she noticed a truck in front of her with a broken taillight. She turned on her siren to indicate that the driver needed to pull over. She got out of her vehicle and slowly walked up to the window of the vehicle. As he rolled his window down she asked him if he was aware that he had a broken taillight. He said that he did not but he would get it fixed as soon as possible. She gave him a verbal warning and told him to have a good night.

She got back in her cruiser with a sense of unease. Nothing had gone wrong but something about his demeanor made her a little nervous. When she got home that night she checked her messages for the day on her answering machine and a chill went down her spine. "Did you check your trunk, Bethany. I left a present for you." She had no clue what he was talking about but she knew it was the man she had pulled over and he sounded much creepier now than he had earlier.  

She armed herself to walk out to her cruiser. She slowly opened her trunk and figured out what the surprise was. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest before she realized it was just a receipt for a new taillight. The only question she had was how he had gotten into her cruiser. She walked back inside and as she went into the kitchen to get a drink she noticed a piece of paper on her counter. It read, "I have an even bigger surprise in your closet. You are really going to love it." She walked slowly to her bedroom still holding her gun. She kept one hand on it as she slowly opened the closet door. She began to panic as she realized the closet was blood splattered. She did not know whose blood it was but she knew it was human. She ran into the kitchen to call for backup when she heard her longtime boyfriend's screams. She found him tied up in the laundry room and tried to stop the bleeding but as she did she heard a familiar voice. " You are just in time for the biggest surprise of all. You will get to watch your boyfriend die but before you do I want to show you something." 

He escorted her to her bedroom. He took her phone and called the police. She was terrified as she heard him sound exactly like her. The police would be there in thirty minutes so he had to hurry. " I love a challenge and that is why I chose you. By the time they get here, you both will be dead and I will be long gone. Once he killed them he stuffed them into the bedroom closet where the blood from one of his other victim's was and he headed out. A few hours later when he was a safe distance away he stepped out of his truck and cut himself. As soon as someone came along he was going to be a helpless victim. He loved this game and he was just ecstatic thinking about his next prey.

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