Night # 29 Don't Walk Home Alone

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This next chilling tale is about a young girl who learns the value of listening to her parents and doing what she is told.

Meredith asked her parents if she could go to her friend Ashley's house after school. Her parents said it was fine as long as she walked home before it got dark. "We live in a dangerous world Meredith and you have to take precaution," her mother told her. When she got to Ashley's house they watched a couple of movies and lost track of time. She told Ashley she would see her later and quickly left. As she began to walk home she noticed it was completely dark and that there was a full moon. She tried to keep her mind on pleasant thoughts as the walk home began to creep her out. For a Friday night, it was quiet in the neighborhood and every little sound could make you jump. As she was nearing her street she noticed a shadow begin to take shape around the streetlamp. She sped up but jumped as the streetlamp and all the lights in the neighborhood suddenly went out. She felt a buzzing in her pocket and noticed that her cell phone was going off. She had forgotten about her phone and felt relieved that she had some source of light. As she opened her phone she noticed that she had a text message. Just before reading the text message she heard a rustling sound in the bushes of one of her neighbor's yards. She froze wondering what the sound was. She tried to ignore the rustling and read the text message sent to her. Suddenly she took off running. She got to her front door and tried to open it but it was locked. She could not believe it, where had her parents gone? She beat on the door to make sure they weren't home but she got no answer. She started to cry as the words from the text message sent her into a full panic. "I am hiding in the bushes, Meredith." She ran to her neighbor's house but as she did she noticed a shadow come out from the side of the house and her cell phone buzzed again. " I am waiting for you Meredith." Knowing she had to take action she called the police and they said they would be there in about ten minutes. Meredith looked for a place to hide until they showed up. She decided to run back to her house and climb up in the tree house she had in her backyard. When she finished climbing the steps and sat on the floor of the tree house her phone went off again." They will be too late Meredith." As she closed her phone she could hear the ladder to the tree house being stepped on and she knew she had no place to go. Just as the police pulled up into her driveway standing before her was someone she never expected. It was her father. "Hi Honey. Your mother told you we live in a dangerous world. She just did not know that part of that danger was her own husband." As the police knocked on the door Meredith's father stabbed her quickly and took off out of the tree house running into the darkness with the knife. No one would ever know he was a killer. No one.

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