Night # 45 Vision Along The Tracks

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This next chilling tale is about a teenage girl who takes a ride on a train to see her grandmother and sees a scary vision.

A teenage girl was escorted on a train by her parents to go and see her grandmother for a few days. Her parents wanted to go but something had come up with their jobs so they could not make it. As they took her to her seat they hugged her goodbye and stepped off the train. When the train took off that day Erica was enjoying the scenery and the people on the train were very nice. That night they made a stop and a few passengers got on. As a tall stranger walked past her to take his seat his side brushed against her arm. Suddenly her life flashed before her eyes.

There was something very creepy about this man and when he took his seat behind her she felt chills course through her body. She tried her best to ignore him and get some sleep before arriving in California in a few hours. She dozed off rather quickly but soon began to have a dream. The train suddenly started speeding up. The dome lights in the cars went out and she heard the man behind her start to maniacally laugh. As she slowly started to turn around to see if he was still in his seat she felt the train jumping off the tracks. Pretty soon people were being thrown around on the train and Erica smashed into the side window knocking her out for a few minutes. 

When she regained consciousness the train was completely demolished and there were dead bodies strewn everywhere. How she was still alive she did not know but once she heard the man's maniacal laughter she knew that she wouldn't be for long. He walked over to where she was laying and Erica wondered how in the world he could be standing let alone walking. He knelt down next to her and began to speak.

" It wasn't such a good time to go and see your grandparents, was it Erica? I know you are wondering how I know your name and I will tell you. After your parents threw me out of my house for not being able to pay my rent I was homeless and as a result, was murdered by some gang members. As I died I asked for a little help of my own to punish them and what better way than through you." He began to take a knife out of his pocket and just as it touched Erica's neck she woke up screaming. 

The other passengers tried to calm her down including the tall man who brushed her side. He held her hand but as he did it felt like it was burning her. After a few minutes, she calmed down and told herself it was just a dream. As she felt her eyelids getting heavy once again the train sped up and she knew that this was no dream.

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