Night # 21 The Ride Begins

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As the DVD ended Amanda sat in shock. How could such a young boy be so evil? While pondering the question the phone rang and it was her friend. Amanda tried to find the words but they would not escape her lips. She hung up and decided to turn her phone off. She went to her room to lay down for the night and she began to hear noises from her living room. She went into the living room and figured out what she had been hearing. Her tv was on and there on the screen was her cold dead body in the middle of the street in a place she recognized as West Fork. What the hell she wondered? How could this be happening? Who is this man Edward and is he even human? As if in response to her words the door suddenly flew open and a cold breeze began to cascade through her body. She ran to close the door and as she did something grabbed her arm and threw her onto the floor. As she tried to get up off the floor she nearly fainted because directly above her head her ceiling fan began to wobble as if it was loose. She quickly rolled to the side as the fan completely loosened and missed her head by mere inches. As she tried to recover from the near-death experience she heard a maniacal voice say," The ride begins."

To be continued...

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