Night # 147 Path You Should Not Walk

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This next chilling tale is about a young criminal who makes the mistake of going down the wrong path literally.

Dewayne was robbing the store when he heard the sirens. He took off out of the store on foot making his way toward the backroads and eventually to a path that leads into the woods. He knew they would never find him because all the locals were afraid of it. It was rumored that bad things happened to people who ventured down it.

Dewayne could not think about that. He was desperate. He did not want to be caught again. He started to walk instead of run once he hit the path. He grew tired quickly and decided to rest against a tree in the woods. Once he was still for a few minutes he wound up falling asleep. When he awoke he was disoriented. He did not understand it. He had remembered resting against the tree but now he was laying on the ground.

He tried looking around to see where he was but he felt woozy. Looking at himself he discovered that he had scratches all over his body. He could not figure out what had happened to him. He started to hear noises and tried to get up but he fell over as soon as he attempted. As he noticed what was on the ground beside him he began to get a sinking feeling. It was what appeared to be a finger. 

The trees began to sway as he heard what sounded like a pack of dogs being let loose. He tried with everything in him but could not get up and knew that whatever was coming for him would be worse than any punishment he could have received being caught.

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