Night # 177 Camping Alone

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This next chilling tale is about a camping experience that goes horribly wrong.

I was all alone for the weekend. My boyfriend was out of town on a business trip. I wanted to do something while I was off work, so I decided to enjoy the great outdoors by going camping. When I got to the campgrounds I parked my vehicle and took my tent out to set it up. I had a little bit of trouble with it and by the time I got everything set up, it was dark.

I could not believe I had decided to camp out alone. I knew that when I was alone I always had a tendency to get scared easily. I made a fire to warm up and listened to all the nocturnal creatures. I tried to enjoy it but every sound I heard made me shiver. I wondered how I was going to get to sleep considering how nervous I already was.

After staying up for a couple of hours I put the fire out and stepped into my tent. I went to lay down in my sleeping bag when I noticed something strange. My sleeping bag was torn. I did not remember there being a tear in my bag but I just had to make the best of it. I finally got settled in and before I shut my eyes noticed something else strange. The tent had a tear in it as well. I could not understand what was going on, I had checked all of my camping gear thoroughly before leaving my house.

I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep the best I could when I was surprised by my cell phone going off. I noticed that it was my boyfriend calling. "I called to check on you and let you know that I just walked through the front door. I was told that the business trip was canceled due to a family emergency." He paused for a few seconds and it worried me. Are you still there, I asked my boyfriend. "I am going to have to call you back. I just discovered that someone broke into the house. I do not know if they took anything but the back door has been tampered with."

I waited patiently for him to call back when I heard a noise coming from the vicinity of my car. My phone went off as I heard the zipper on my tent began to move. I screamed into the phone as I answered. My boyfriend tried to ask me if something was wrong but I could not answer. A voice began to fill the tent and I was petrified. "It is not a good idea to go camping alone. You just never know who or what you will run into." He held out the knife that he had used on my sleeping bag and tent and began to smile. "I take it your boyfriend figured out that I was in the house. Too bad he will not make it in time to save you."

My boyfriend listened helplessly as I screamed in terror and soon the phone went dead in his ear.

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