Night #110 Death Comes Around Part Eight

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Leann's parents were on their second honeymoon in Vegas when they began to argue outside of a casino. Apparently, Leann's mother came back from getting a drink to catch her husband flirting with an unknown female. After fighting for a few minutes, Leann's father decided to go back to their room leaving her mother outside the casino. Her mother claimed she was going to get her own room. 

A little while later her mother decided to try to make amends and went up to their room. She had forgotten about her husband giving her the other key to their room so she let herself in. She heard noises as she opened the door thinking it was coming from the tv. A look of shock spread across her face as she realized what the noises were. There in the bed were her husband and the unknown female from downstairs. Before her husband noticed her Leann grabbed the bedside lamp and bashed the female over the head. 

Her husband began to panic as he realized that his companion was no longer breathing. The two of them knew they could not let anyone find out about what happened so they came up with a way to dispose of the body along with the evidence.  

Leann woke up nearly hyperventilating. How had her parents committed such a terrible crime and how had they managed not to get caught? Leann's mind raced with terror as she heard a knock at the door and received some of the worst news of her life. Her brother had been found dead in a creek just a few miles from her home. It had been ruled a homicide fairly quickly because of the marks on the body but Leann knew that the true killers would never be caught. 

To be continued...

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