Night # 16 The Curse Part 1

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This next chilling tale is about a young reporter who is trying to get a story involving a small town with mysterious deaths occurring in it.

Amanda was a reporter for a newspaper. One day her friend called her telling her that the town she lived in had recently had five people die mysteriously. In a town with only 130 people, it was strange that five people would die within a week and that in all five cases the cause was unknown. Being a reporter, Amanda became very interested in what was going on so she traveled 100 miles to the little town of West Fork. As she drove into the town there was a small cemetery with five fresh graves in it. Amanda decided to stop and check it out. As she looked at the headstones she noticed one that seemed very odd. The man who was buried there had been born October 31st, 1900 and died October 31st, 1950. Dying on the same date as you are born is one thing but it being on Halloween is another. Amanda decided to write the name and dates down so she could do some research. As she went to leave the cemetery and go to the local library she noticed a sudden chill in the air.

To be continued...

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