Night # 128 Under Interrogation

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This next chilling tale is about a young man suspected of murder and the twist that goes with it.

The young man sat in the room as the detectives interrogated him. He kept telling them to watch the surveillance footage and they would know who was responsible. He knew they would not believe him if he tried to tell them himself. He would have trouble believing it himself if he had not witnessed it.

The Detectives, after an hour of waiting on the release of the footage, went into the other room to view it. The detectives watched the footage and could not believe their eyes. The footage showed a couple of young men walking down the aisle looking at tools when an old lady came into view. She was just standing there watching them when all of a sudden she took a hatchet and started thrusting it in one of the young men's backs.

Once they were done watching the footage they went and released the man from custody. A disturbing thought occurred to both of the detectives at the same time. They suddenly remembered amidst all the confusion that the old lady had been taken to the hospital claiming she was in terrible shock. She had convinced them all telling them she had gotten blood on her form trying to save the young man.

The detectives were just about to walk out the door to track the ambulance down when they received a call. The EMT's had been killed and the ambulance had been found next to the road with blood inside it. 

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