Night # 99 You Might Be Next

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This next chilling tale is about an epidemic of a different kind.

It all started with a little girl named Sally. One night her mother told her that she needed to learn to sleep without a night light and face her fear of the dark. While Sally was sleeping she swore to her mother that she saw something crawl out from underneath her bed. Her mother thinking it was just her imagination dismissed the story. That night, as strange as it might sound, Sally's mother went to sleep only to awaken to sounds coming from underneath her bed. In the small town of Denton, Sally and her mother began to hear stories of similar incidents. 

A few days later Sally's mother went to her room to get her up for school but she could not find Sally. As she looked around Sally's room she noticed something hanging out from underneath the bed. It was Sally's hairbrush covered in blood. In a panic, she called the police and they immediately came out to her house. They took the evidence and told her mother that they would do everything they could to find out what happened to Sally. 

That same night Holly, Sally's mother, went to sleep thinking about what could have happened to Sally when she heard a small voice from underneath her bed. It sounded a lot like Sally. Holly knelt on the floor to look underneath her bed when something grabbed her arm. The next day the police came out to Holly's home to give her an update on the case, but they could not get an answer at the door. Worried about her the police broke the door down. When they entered Holly's room to search for her they noticed something sticking out from under the bed. It was a note covered in blood.

"You could be next," it said. The police did not know what to make of the note or what happened to the mother and daughter, but they knew that something was definitely wrong. In the coming days, police departments were swamped with calls. The stories were very similar and fear was beginning to spread like wildfire. How can you stop something you cannot see? It was the question on everyone's mind.

I write this not knowing why it hasn't come for me yet whatever it is. All I know is that I want to warn everyone I can before it is too late. I have noticed something changing as the days go by. It is coming for people in different ways now. The only thing that connects all the cases is that they have all disappeared while doing something that filled them with fear. I only know this because many of them had visited psychiatrists before they went missing talking about how they were afraid about what was coming for them. 

No matter what it is taking them I nor anyone else knows how to stop it. I know that when it does come for me it will be while I am dreaming. I am afraid of having nightmares. They thought that avoiding what you were afraid of might stop it but I can tell you that is untrue. It will find a way to get you right where it wants you. I will leave you with this thought: You might be next.  

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